Multiage –Celebrating Learning

The Multiage students have had a great start to the Term with a full day on Tuesdays at Croxton where they are lucky to be able to visit the very fancy newly opened Café run by our VCAL students, as well as a cooking class in the new industrial kitchen. The first week’s recipe was Raspberry Pikelets and the favourite so far was French toast this week with lots of exciting recipes to come.


We are also lucky to have Ashlea as our new Thursday teacher and Leila as our replacement Thurs/Fri ES since Liz left last term and they are both settling in well.


Our Integrated Topic this semester is proving to be very popular as it’s a science focus “On the Move” exploring the Forces of motion on objects. They have been identifying push and pull forces in toys, objects in the classroom and the various playgrounds at TPS. This week they made Catapults in pairs and tested different objects which proved to be lots of fun.