
0ne-two-rful 1/2s

Term 3 Week 2 2023 - Friday 21st July


What have we been up to? 


The 1/2 students should be so proud of the way they have adjusted back into the routine of school after the Term 2 Holidays. It’s been a great start to Term 3 and we are looking forward to seeing all the amazing things that students will achieve this Semester.


In recognition of NAIDOC week, which was celebrated in the holidays, the Teachers have tried where possible to make connections to indigenous perspectives in all levels of learning. For instance, in Reading, students have read a number of Dreamtime stories including the … and … Through these texts students are given a window to look into the unique way indigenous Australians connect with the land and animals. Students have also been making connections with events and characters in a text to themselves, other texts and the world.


In Writing, students have been learning about different forms of poetry including how to write an Acrostic Poem. We’ve also investigated how different rhyming words can be used when constructing a sentence in a poem. 


Over the last two weeks students have been exploring the different Australian seasons and how these connect to the months of the year. To connect this learning with NAIDOC Week, the students also learnt about how indigenous Australians view the seasons and the key events and features in nature that guide the changes in seasons.


In Science students have begun exploring the changes in nature and how the landscape is shaped by different seasonal events. They have also been exploring their place in the world by finding out the city they live in, the state and country.


Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was! 


1/2A – Well done to all the students who presented speeches this week! You all did a fantastic job. Congratulations to Kai who was voted by his peers as 1/2A’s SLT representative for Semester Two!



1/2B - We have been doing wordle and spelling bee each morning before we begin our reading lesson. 



We have sorted for or against statements in persuasive writing. 


1/2C - We had a great time making our movie on Thursday!


What is coming up?



Over the next fortnight the 1/2 students will continue to develop their understanding of making different connections with a text including text to self, text to text and text to world. They will also begin exploring how to summarise larger pieces of information into smaller meaningful chunks.


Throughout the next two weeks in Writing students will continue to explore persuasive writing techniques and how they can be used to make an argument more persuasive. They will together to write a persuasive text as a class with the intention of writing one independently the week after.


As we head into week 3 and 4, students will begin exploring the features of 2 dimensional shapes and 3 dimensional shapes. They will look at what each shape needs to have and examples of typical shapes and non-typical shapes.

Inquiry & Science

In the coming two weeks, students will continue to explore changes in the landscape and also the significance locations within the area they live.

Important reminders:

  • Please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we have had and will be having more hot days. 




  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.


  • Specialist Days 
  • Monday – AUSLAN (with classroom teacher)
  • Tuesday - Health, Art/Cultural Studies & Music 
  • Thursday - PE & Art/Cultural Studies