Art /Cultural/ Music / PE & Health/Library 

Specialist News 


Visual Arts

This week in Visual Arts, Foundation, Year 1/2 and 3/4 students continued to explore printmaking techniques. Foundation students focused on using oil pastel printmaking, where the oil pastel allows them to transfer a single print. Year 1/2 created a print from a foam square, where they had to engrave a drawn image, to allow them to make a monoprint.  Year 3/4 students continued to print using Gelli plates by learning about Wassily Kandinsky a famous artist, who used lots of colours, shapes as he created his artwork, he saw colours and shapes while listening to music.  Students listened to music to help them be inspired to create a collage using their prints allowing them to make a ‘concentric circle’ art piece. Year 5/6 students learnt about the artist, Keith Haring and his famous colourful, bold,  representing movement characters. They were inspired to make a collage by  creating their own colourful characters by first planning in their Visual Arts book, drawing the characters as a stick figure which represent a certain movement (action), then drawing an outline around the stick figure, tracing over with a black marker and adding movement (action) marks to show movement for each character. 






Culture Studies

Last week in Culture Studies, all students continued with their NAIDOC work which they started before the holidays. Foundation students decorated a ‘kindness’ paper boomerang which reflected that kindness is like a boomerang, if you throw kindness out you will get kindness back, each boomerang was laminated. Year 1/2 and 3/4 students completed their kookaburras. Year 5/6 students completed their Gelli plate prints, which we were inspired to create ‘Respect’ book. Foundation & 1/2 students were introduced to some traditional Turkish games, which the students really enjoyed. Years 3 to 6 students completed creating their Turkish rugs from last term. 













Welcome back to term 3. With the weather being so awesome last week, we started off term 3 with a basketball program. This will continue for a few weeks depending on the weather. If the weather turns ugly we will head inside for some gymnastics and aerosports (dance).

The students started with a focus on developing their ball skills and touch before having a focus on dribbling and passing. It was great to see the improvement of students skills in these areas from the start of the year and compared to last year. 

Students from Prep all the way through to Year 6 did activities to improve their skills and decision making.

If your child has an interest in basketball, there are many local opportunities. Sandringham Sabres or McKinnon are the local competitions, but if you need some advice, please don’t hesitate to contact me.



Coming back into term 3, the next topic in the Respectful Relationships program is on Stress Management. Students discussed things that cause them stress and then explored different ways to manage these and help to calm themselves in difficult situations to protect themselves and those around them.

By identifying the things that cause people to stress, they can understand when they are in situations that might cause further stress, or move away to protect themselves.

Some great discussions were had about taking deep breaths, having space and time out, speaking to a friend, playing a game or doing an activity they enjoy or many other great ideas.


House Athletics

This term we will hold our next big school wide House event. This will be a morning of athletics events and modified activities at Mentone Athletics track on Tuesday 15th August from 9am – 2.30pm.


All students from Prep through to year 6 will participate in the events. All students will catch a bus from Le Page PS at 9am to Mentone Athletics track and return at the conclusion of the event around 2pm, with the exception of the Preps who will return around 12pm.


Parents/families are most welcome to come along and support their children and their friends. 


If anyone is able and willing to volunteer to manage an event, please contact Mr Bradley via email at, or in person.

Activities will include: measuring, raking, recording results.


Date:               Tuesday August 15th   

Time:               9am to 2.30pm 

Cost:                $10      

Venue:            Mentone Athletics Track 

                        Dolomore Reserve, Queen Street, Mentone


Uniform:          Students are to dress up in their house colours. 

                          Sneakers/Running shoes



Jarrod Bradley

PE/Health/Sports Coordinator





Library Update


We have had a great start to the new term. On Wednesday, we found out who was part of the library team for the rest of the year, and there were so many motivated students who showed up ready to help. Thank you so much to everyone who came! 


This term, we will continue to update our library and displays, stickering and cataloguing books and welcome book donations. 


If you would like to help out in the library, come along on Mondays or Wednesdays for the first half of recess.