Year 11 and 12

A peek into year 11 and 12 activities for this term

Year 12 Physics Experiments👩🏻‍🔬

Years 11 Unit 1 and 2 Applied Computing 🖥

It has been an exciting year with the introduction of Year 11 Applied Computing at Sunbury College. This is the first year it has been taught for a while and we have students who are excelling in this area. 


What is Year 11 Applied Computing?


Unit 1: 

Area of Study 1: Data Analysis

In an introduction to data analytics, students respond to a teacher-provided analysis of requirements and designs to identify and collect data in order to present their findings as data visualisations. They present work that includes database, spreadsheet and data visualisations solutions. 

Area of Study 2: Programming

Students select and use a programming language to create a working software solution. Students prepare, document and monitor project plans and engage in all stages of the problem-solving methodology.


Unit 2:

Area of Study 1: Innovative Solutions

Students work collaboratively and select a topic for further study to create an innovative solution in an area of interest. The innovative solution can be presented as a proof of concept, a prototype or a product. Students engage in all areas of the problem-solving methodology. 


Area of Study 2: Network Security

An introduction to cybersecurity, students investigate networks and the threats, vulnerabilities and risks to data and information. They propose strategies to protect the data accessed using a network.


What equipment are we using for Innovative Solutions?


Micro:bit V2.0 is being used and it has really sparked interest by students in class. We have initially been working through tasks to complete basic programming. After the term break, we will move on to a more complex use of sensors and components to get the Micro:bit working in a way to create a solution to a scenario for our Unit 2 project. All students have engaged well in this experience with the images included below. 




Any student wanting information about Year 11 Applied Computing or Year 12 Software Development please email Sharon Franks at  

Mrs. Sharon Franks.

  • Learning Specialist - Numeracy
  • Teacher - IT and Maths

What a huge term it has been for our VCE Students! The Senior School Team is very proud of the hard work and effort our students have put in. It’s been great to have students regularly using the Hub as a space to study before and after school and see them work together to enhance their learning. 


Unit 1 and Unit 3 are now finished and classes have begun working on Unit 2 and Unit 4 Outcomes. This is the final Unit for our Year 12 students before they graduate. Year 11 Students completed their Semester One Exams recently and conducted themselves in a very impressive manner. On the 15th of June, we had over 200 VCE and VCE VM students complete the General Achievement Test (GAT). 


We hope that students have a safe and productive holiday and take time to both recharge their batteries and put themselves in a good position to excel next term.  


VCE Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

These are after school on Tuesday 18 July this is a great opportunity for families to touch base with teachers about their child’s progress. 


Important Information for Year 11 Students

Students are reminded to think carefully about what subjects they would like to complete next year and to complete their 3-Year Course Plan ready for subject selection on Friday 28 July. 


📅Important dates for Year 12 students 


Tuesday 1 August VTAC Assembly for students (advice for applying for tertiary studies)

Tuesday 8 August Warm and Fuzzy Day

Tuesday 15 August VTAC Information Evening for parents (online)