Year 9 and 10

A peek into year 9 and 10 activities this term

Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion🧪

On Friday 5th May, a small group of year 10 students attended the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) to take part in the program ‘DNA Barcoding’. During our visit, students were guided by science mentors in the GTAC laboratories and generated DNA barcodes for a parasitic worm. The DNA generated by the student teams was then sent to the Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF) for sequencing.


Back at school, students participated in a virtual learning workshop on Thursday 1st June. Students used bioinformatics programs to analyse the DNA barcodes generated on our visit to GTAC.


The students enjoyed the unique opportunity provided by the program including sing DNA technologies (polymerase chain reaction and gel electrophoresis) and bioinformatics programs. Students also gained an exclusive insight into the work practicing research scientists complete.

Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion
Year 10 GTAC DNA Barcoding Excursion

Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity🏯

In the year 9 Japanese class, we are learning about Japanese culture and different traditions that have been carried through many generations. One tradition we have learnt about is called Kamon, which is a symbol that indicates each family's origin, and helps identify the individual family. Kamon can also be referred to as ‘mon,’ or ‘mondokoro.’ As part of that learning, we created a fan featuring a monkiri stencil to make our own personalised Kamon. Students enjoyed this hands-on activity as a change of pace instead of their usual tasks, and liked learning about a new culture.

–Year 9 Japanese students Amelia and Dylan


Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity
Year 9 Japanese Kamon Activity

Year 10 Work Experience👷🏻

This term, all year 10 students completed 2 weeks of work experience in a range of jobs and industries. Students were able to develop networks, skills and knowledge in their chosen industry to make more informed decisions regarding future pathways. Students were organised and used the opportunity to build knowledge of occupational health and safety and job related skills in the following industries: Automotive, Building and construction, Electrical, Hairdressing, Health and community services, Horticulture, Hospitality and Tourism, Manufacturing, Metals and engineering, Office and business services, Painting, Plumbing, Retail, Veterinary. Congratulations to all year 10 students.


👏🏼Congratulations to all the year 10 students who went on work experience. What an amazing opportunity to see how various companies and workplaces operate. The year 10 work experience program helps to develop workplace skills and prepare young people for the workforce. We are very proud of our students and grateful for all the businesses who mentored and supported our year 10s.


Thank you to all the parents and staff who helped support and check in on our students while on work experience and thank you to Ms Cheeseman for organizing everything.


Year 9 Personal Development 👩🏻‍💼

Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development
Year 9 Personal Development