2023 Important Dates

This page gives you an idea of when things will be happening in Term 2. Any changes will be communicated. Items will be added, these will once again be communicated with families. 


Term 2 dates: (More dates will be added as we go)


24th: Lantern Parade (more info to come next week)



Term 3 dates: (More dates will be added as we go)

Monday 10th of July: Term 3 starts

Saturday 22nd of July: Trivia Night (hosted by PnF) more details on PnF page

Thursday August 10th: STEAM Fun Night 6:00pm-7:30pm

Monday 21st of August: Book week starts

Tuesday 22nd of August: Parents only workshop - About Real Life (Online)

Sunday 27th of August: Sacrament of First Eucharist

Tuesday 29th of August: Parent/Child Workshop - About Real Life (At School)

Wednesday 30th of August: Teeth on Wheels

Tuesday and Wednesday (5th and 6th of September) - Student Conferences