
Bawden Sensei

こんにちは、”Konnichiwa” from Japanese class! 


In the last few weeks of Japanese class, Foundation to grade 3 students made their mobile phones by using Japanese numbers. They also learned how to say "hello" in Japanese when they pick up a phone. "Moshi moshi" 

What great designed and imaginative creations were in our lesson. We thoroughly enjoyed it.


In the last lesson of Grades 4,5 and 6, we made a Japanese bento box by forming rice balls and assembling tofu, vegetables, and fruits to make a healthy lunch box. We have been learning about Cherry blossom viewing called Hanami. In Spring, it is the traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of cherry blossoms and having a picnic with family and friends. So we made some lunch boxes and enjoyed ourselves among our friends without viewing Cherry Blossom.



What a big semester and I am looking forward to the next semester as well.


Please do not hesitate to ask any inquiries or suggestions to the Japanese class!

Bawden Sensei
