Production News 

The students are all working very hard preparing for the filming of our school production, The Reluctant Dragon.


Behind the scenes, we have had the very talented Jeanette Iley (Noah, Eliza & Lily’s Nannie) creating costumes.


If anyone would like to help out with sets and prop creating, please pop in and see me in the Performing Arts room on a Tuesday or send me an email: .


We are on the lookout for some props and costumes. If you have any of the following and would be willing to loan them to us for a few weeks, I would be most grateful. 

Again, send it to the Performing Arts room or send me an email if you are able to supply/provide anything. Please ensure it is labelled so we can return it to you.



A gong on a stand (doesn’t have to be ornate)

Walking sticks or walking frames

Old school bell

A small, wooden picnic table

Earthenware dishes/jugs/mugs - neutral colours

Black leather look jackets in various sizes - size 10 child to S-M adult

Black leather look vests

Denim jackets in various sizes - size 10 child to S-M adult

Denim vests in various sizes

Cane walking sticks with hooks (to use for shepherds)



Jeanette Wicks

Performing Arts Teacher