5/6 Snapshot

The 5/6's have been learning about explanation texts this term. Below are some explanation paragraphs written by our 5/6's.


Turtles are my favourite animal. I love turtles because when they’re little they find some sort of way to survive. As turtles grow older it’s always been fascinating to me how independent they are in the wild sea. One main reason I love turtles is because they are cute, and I think they would be a great pet. I love turtles!



The life cycle of an echidna is quite interesting. It starts when the mother echidna lays her egg in her pouch, the egg stays in her pouch for 10 days until it hatches. After 3 months the baby echidna comes out of the mother’s pouch. Now the little baby is called a young echidna. After about 12 months the young echidna is fully grown and ready to leave and start the cycle again. And that’s the lifecycle of an echidna. 



How do tornados form? Tornados form by severe thunderstorms and can be very violent. Tornadoes can also form heavy and damaging hail. Tornadoes can form damaging winds as well. Tornadoes are damaging, keep clear!



First the female echidna lays her egg. After 10 days the egg will hatch. The puggle which is a baby echidna. Will be blind and about the size of a jellybean for 1-2 weeks. When the puggle gets older enough it will move out. Then the process will begin again. So that is the lifecycle of an echidna.      



Electrical circuits are powered by electrons. Electrons are like trains that go wire and drop off power at the light bulb and the where the power comes from is the battery and the Cycle repeats.

-Noah A


Electrical circuits run on electrical currents that are connected to a power source. They need a positive and negative power source and wires for the electricity to flow through.  An electric device acts as a load to the circuit where all systems are operating. This is how electrical circuits work. 



What causes tornadoes? Let's look further to find out.

Tornadoes form in warm, humid, unstable weather and ahead cold wind fronts. When intense storms create large areas that support the development of tornadoes. Inside a tornado is lower air pressure than the outside. Force is pulling back in towards the middle of the tornado. This is why I think tornadoes are interesting. 



Have you ever wondered how tornadoes form? 

Well, here's how. When a thunderstorm happens thunder clouds have air moving inside them. Hot air goes up and cold air goes down then everything turns into a spinning effect. This spinning effect moves down creating a tornado. 



Have you ever thought about the lifecycle of an echidna?

The lifecycle of an echidna starts with the egg hatching, the egg hatches after about 10 days. When the egg hatches a tiny baby echidna the size of a jellybean comes crawling out. The baby then evolves into a puggle, the puggle then grows spikes on its back after 53 days. The puggle then leaves its burrow when it is almost seven months old. The puggle then keeps growing and growing until it becomes a full-grown echidna. So that is the life cycle of an echidna.



How do electrical circuits work?

Electrical circuits need wires to connect to an energy source. It also needs something that takes away the energy, for example a light bulb turning on or a motor starting. If it is not attached to the power source from top to bottom of the battery, it will not work. Now you know how electrical circuits work. 



The Lifecycle of an Echidna

The first step of the life cycle is when the female echidna lays an egg in her pouch. When baby echidna hatches, the baby echidna is called a puggle. The puggle lives inside of the pouch for 2-3 months. When the puggle is old enough. It leaves the burrow, then finds a mate then the life cycle repeats. The lifecycle of an echidna is fascinating.



Have you ever thought about the lifecycle of an echidna? 

Echidna's life starts as an egg. When the egg hatches the baby echidna is called a puggle. Puggles are blind and hairless when they are first born. The puggle lives in its mother’s pouch. The 53-day old echidna grows spikes to protect itself. The lifecycle of the echidna is so cool.   



The lifecycle of an Echidna. 

An echidna can live up to 15 to 40 years, but the ones living in the wild usually live up to 10 years. A mother echidna only lays one egg, it hatches in about 10 days. If you see a group of echidnas it is called a parade. The lifecycle of an echidna is interesting.



How does an electrical circuit work?

It starts with the batteries. It sends an electronic signal to a switch. When the switch is flipped it lets the signal through to the light and turns it on. Also you can’t have a circuit without both a positive and negative signal.

-Will S


Tornadoes are spirals of wind that sweep the land below. Tornadoes are formed when there are thunderstorms or unstable weather. The danger of a tornado can kill hundreds of people, injure thousands of people and destroy many buildings. A tornado can reach lengths of a few hundred meters or much smaller. In conclusion tornadoes are dangerous and very destructive.



How do electrical circuits work? 

A circuit is a closed loop that electrons can travel in. A source of electricity, such as a battery, provides electricity in a circuit. Unless the circuit is complete, that is, making a full circle back to the electrical source. That’s how electrical circuits work. 



Have you ever wondered what the life cycle of a cicada is? Cicadas begin their life as a rice-shaped egg. When the egg hatches the cicada will fall to the ground then dig a hole until they find a root then they feed on it. After 2-17 years the cicada emerges and climbs something vertical and sheds its exoskeleton and spreads its wings. And now you know the lifecycle of a cicada.
