From the Principal

Dear families,


As Term 2 comes to a close at the end of the week, it is a good time to reflect on what a busy semester it has been. Inter-school Sports, Cross Country, Camps, Lighthouse Program, Athletics Carnival, Swimming Carnival and much more. Terms 3 and 4 are even more jam packed so we still have so much to look forward to. Some of these events include City Camp, Swimming Program, Excursions, Production Premier, Christmas Celebrations, Graduation and of course our Inaugural Learning Expo which will take place early in Term 4. 


In Term 3, our Inquiry/RE concept is Environment, this is a really broad concept and the teachers unpacked what will be covered a few weeks ago in their planning day. I have had some parents ask about excursions, please be assured each class will have an opportunity to undertake at least 1 excursion and 1 incursion each year (this is in addition to swimming and sports programs). Last year some schools (including STM) were supported by the Positive Starts program which allowed us to access some free learning experiences, this year these experiences are harder to secure. 


Please see the "2023 Important Dates" tab for more dates for your diary in Term 3. We will add more dates as we go.


I hope you all have a wonderfully relaxing break. I may see some of you on Saturday at the Lantern Parade. Please see the School Stream from earlier this week in regards to parking and logistic


St Thomas More:

Today the 22nd of June, is the day St Thomas More Feast Day is celebrated in the Catholic Church. But who was St Thomas More?


Thomas More was born in London in 1478 and studied to become a lawyer. Recognized for his great intelligence, impartiality, and wisdom, he rose through the ranks of Parliament and earned King Henry VIII’s favour until he became Lord Chancellor in 1529. He resigned the chancellorship three years later, however, when he was unable to support Henry’s divorce of Catherine of Aragon and marriage to Anne Boleyn. In 1535, he was convicted of treason and beheaded, and four hundred years later, he was canonized. 


St Thomas More is the patron saint of adopted children, lawyers, civil servants, politicians and difficult marriages.


NForma Reports:

Reports have now gone home via the NFroma Parent Portal, please let me know if you have any issues logging on please let me know. There has been lots of notice in recent newsletters about the process but please touch base with the office if you are unsure. If you have any questions about your child's report please email or speak to your child's teacher.


Principal 360 Reflection Tool:

Dear community,


As you are aware I am currently in my first official year as Principal of St Thomas More, Belgrave. At the moment I am engaged in a Program called Principal Induction Program run by our governing body MACS. A part of this program involves a reflection tool known as the 360 Reflection Tool. This tool provides me with baseline data on how I am performing in my role against the Australian Professional Standard for Principals.


I will be inviting some members of the community (Leaders, Staff, Parents and Students) to engage in a quick 10 minutes survey addressing the above information. The survey results are confidential and the results from this survey provide an invaluable set of baseline information for my early career performance in the role of Principal of our wonderful school community.


Celebrate NAIDOC week!

Please follow he link for some information about an event running at Belgrave Library over the holidays.




I mentioned at assembly that the children are more than welcome to bring a pair of slippers to school to wear during class time during the winter months. After recess and lunch the students are coming in to the classes with wet shoes and it can both make them sick and also damage the carpet. So from today students are encouraged (not compulsory) to wear slippers inside.


End of Term and Start of Term 3:

Term 2 will end on Friday, June 23rd at 3:10pm (normal time).

Term 3 will begin on Monday, July 10th.


Sacrament of Reconciliation: 

Congratulations to the below students for receiving their Sacrament of Reconciliation. They did an amazing job and were well supported by their families. We also need to thank Mrs Janky and Ms McLoughlin for helping prepare the students for this Sacrament. We look forward to August where these children will receive the next Sacrament of initiation, First Holy Eucharist. 


Student Phones and Electrical Devices:

Whilst the school discourages students from bringing personal electronic devices, mobile phones and technology, we value and protect the safety and wellbeing of all students, and recognise the peace that mobile phones can bring families, particularly when their child/children independently travel to and from school. 


We ask for your awareness and support with the following procedures and expectations regarding student phones.

  1. All electronic devices and mobile phones are brought to school at the student's own risk.
  2. Students are required to sign in all personal devices and phones at the school office upon arrival. These will be housed in a locked  drawer.
  3. Personal devices and phones are not to be used in class or on the school grounds without teacher permission between the hours of 8:20 am and 3:10 pm. We know some children send or receive a check-in text to parents/carers upon arriving and leaving school. This is not considered personal use, rather a safety measure between home and school.
  4. Phone and communication capabilities on smart watches are to be deactivated during school hours (8:20 am - 3:10 pm).
  5. If students need to contact family members, they will do this from the school office phone with permission from school leaders or teachers.
  6. All users of any technology or device whilst on school grounds must follow the expectations and conditions outlined in the signed Acceptable User Agreement.

NAPLAN results!

On Friday I received an email from NAPLAN with the following dates.

Families to get result packs - 17th of July, 2023. 

The school will not be able to access the NAPLAN results portal until the 17th of July. 


Filming of Production:

We have dates set for the filming of our school production. Filming will take place from Wednesday 26th of July - Friday 28th of July. Mrs Wicks has been hard at work preparing the children and from all reports they are doing an amazing job. 


Year 6 Jumpers 2024!

The Year 5 students all had a vote on next years garment and they have chosen the same design as this year. This includes the STM Year 6 Baseball Cap. The design for the back will be designed by Lorelei (Arts Leader) and then voted on again by our 2024 Year 6 students. We will send out some size charts before the end of the term and start the ordering process early in 2023. 


STEAM Incursion and STEAM Night 2023!!!:

Mrs Saville has organised a STEAM incursion on July 11th (first Tuesday back). It is sure to be a fun day. The day will be run by Supreme Incursions and will have a focus that aligns with our Term 3 Concept "Environment". 


We are also starting to plan our Inaugural STEAM night!! more information closer to the date. Please put the date in your diary. 


Year 6 Leaders visit to Belgrave Kinder:

Unfortunately this event was postponed due to the weather and will be rescheduled early next term. I understand the Year 6 students were disappointed but I assured them I will make sure they get the opportunity as they have worked hard on their games. 


Belgrave Lantern Festival:

Last week a timetable was sent via SchoolStream for the Lantern Festiva. In the Operoo form I mentioned for students to wear their school uniform, I understand this may not be practical so invite students and families to rug up and make sure they are warm. 


Big Dreams Market (School Promotion):

On Sunday the 11th of June we participated in our first Belgrave Big Dreams market for a number of years. We were handing out colouring sheets to families with young children and also answering questions about our school. Yes the main purpose is to promote our school but it is also wonderful being out in the community once again. We will continue to think of new and engaging ways to get the students and wider community involved in our promotion push. I am conscience of families giving up their weekends but if you would like to be involved in anyway (making suggestions, donating items to sell) please let me know. 

The next market is on July 9th, and we will be handing out pencils with our school logo and more colouring sheets. But once term 3 starts up and running I will put out expressions of interest for the community for more fun ideas. 


Help Needed:

Are you handy with a hammer and nails? Skilled with a saw?


We are searching for a STM community member who would be able to help with a woodwork creation for our upcoming Book Week celebrations. If you are able to assist, please contact Mrs George at or on 9754 4444.



2023 Census information:

Please see document below for your reference.



Enrolment flyer:




NCCD fact sheet:


School Closure Days:

Please add the following dates to your diary.

Friday 3rd of November: Curriculum Day

Monday 6th of November: Report Writing Day

Tuesday 7th of November: Melbourne Cup

Monday 4th of December: 2024 Planning day for staff


End of School Year Dates: 

End of Year dates are as follows:

Year 6 Graduation Day/Year 6 last day: Thursday 14th of December (Lunch from 12pm-3pm, Mass from 6:30pm-8:30pm)

Prep/Year 5 last day: Friday 15th of December at 3:10pm


Trivia Night:

An Operoo has been sent out to families to indicate if they are planning to attend. We are in for a really fun night. 



About Real Life - Sexuality Education Program 

August 22nd - Parent Only workshop - Online

August 29th - Parent and Child workshops - time and place tbc

As per the Operoo I sent out late last term, we have engaged with Sue from About Real Life, a company that deliver Sexuality Education. The program is age appropriate and I have attached below a summary of topics covered in 2021. It would be great if this event was well supported, it is free for families. 



Commitment to Child Safety:

Please see attached the CECV's (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria) commitment to Child Safety in schools. Each school must have a range of measures in place to meet the 11 Child Safety Standards. 



Thank you, take care and God Bless
