Secondary Year 11/12

Term 2
Creative Industries
During Semester 1 the Creative Industries crew have been very busy learning about sound, how to record and edit sound by creating short radio dramas. Students each week completed radio reports and selected matching songs to present on the Concord Radio FM channel. We also visited ACMI to learn about the history of film and gaming in Australia.
The Horticulture students have been working hard to maintain the school grounds and extend their gardening skills. On a weekly basis the students have demonstrated their OHS knowledge as they weeded, planted seedlings, mulched and raked. We were very grateful to get plants donated from Hello Hello, Kevin Heinz and Bamboo Grove. These plants were repotted and rehomed in our Secondary 11/12 courtyards. The students explored Indigenous plants and planted three new tube stock plants in the Discovery Centre planter box. You may have noticed a beautiful Maple Tree outside of the Discovery Centre - that’s the work of the Horticulture students. Next term the students will start landscaping. We can’t wait to show you the results of their upcoming projects!
Employment Pathways
We have been learning about developing the skills needed to get a job. We have explored a range of industries and visited places including ACMI, Wilderness Wear Sock Factory and the Werribee Zoo. We have conducted safety inspections around the school, learnt how to write business documents including emails, memos and cover letters. We have also completed a number of assignments and role plays.
Students in VET Construction participated in the construction of several hands-on projects and worked hard to accomplish their objectives. In this program they worked on developing skills in following instructions, working safely and practicing trade skills necessary in construction.
Using tools such as chisels, saws, rulers, combination squares and clamps they designed, measured, cut, glued and put together three wonderful wooden objects. Firstly, they constructed an Extension Cord Holder which they constructed using four separate pieces of wood cut to precision and fixed in place using proper measuring techniques. Next, they constructed a Cheese Board. They learnt about joining three separate blocks of timber using biscuit cutters to drill holes and insert biscuits which in turn held the pieces of timber together.
Finally, this term, students are working on creating a CD or Disk Stand designed in the shape of a guitar. In this project, students used their prior knowledge of joining blocks of timber together and at the same time used precise measuring techniques to ensure that the CDs are held in place on this guitar CD stand. We are so proud of our students as they have displayed resilience, attention to detail and consistent hard work to achieve the result.
Sport & Recreation
This semester in Sport & Recreation, the students have been learning skills such as how to manage and hire equipment, as well as how to organise and book accommodation for different teams and events. They completed a practical lesson on First Aid, learning CPR, how to bandage a break or sprain and complete an incident report with a paramedic. The head of media at the AFL visited to talk about her experiences and how to get into a sport related job. The students are looking forward to an excursion to the MGC where they will meet an Olympian.
IDV- Skills For Life
In Term 1, our students joined with IDV clients, including ex Concord School students, to engage with some experiences in the city practising their independent travel skills. They visited many sites across the term. In Term 2 the students remained at Concord School and engaged with a Safe Food Handling course. Students completed the bookwork with assistance and demonstrated their new skills by making special treats and lunches for themselves.
The Cookery students have been cooking up a storm learning new, creative culinary skills to apply in the kitchen at home. Each week the students create a new recipe that they fully prepare in commercial kitchen conditions. Some of the meals they have produced this semester include Caesar Salad, Osso Bucco, Fish and Chips, Minestrone Soup, Smoked Salmon Sandwiches and Roast Vegetable focaccia
Water To All
Students in 12C complete their Water 2 All School Based Apprenticeship on Wednesdays when the other students attend VET programs. Wednesday is typically a theory day, but on the other day of their program they make sandwiches, soup, a pasta dish and sometimes muffins or biscuits for those less fortunate in our community. These photos show the students in action wearing their appropriate personal protective equipment to ensure they meet strict food safety conditions preparing all their food in a commercial kitchen that is regularly inspected by the Health Department.
Allied Health
Speech Pathologist - Lauren Chan
Across Term 2 11/12 students have been focussing on developing their oral language conversational skills across different settings. Some examples include; answering phone calls and taking messages, social greetings and taking orders as well as a two way conversation. It has been lovely to share these conversations with the students and listen to them interact with their friends.