Faith, Community & Culture

Thankyou from St Vincent de Paul

A heartfelt thank you to our school community from St Vincent De Paul, East Frankston conference.  The generosity of the students, parents, carers and extended family members that donated to the food appeal was above and beyond.  The storage cupboards were overflowing with donations that are given to members of our local community who are in need.  Congratulations to our Walsh staff and student house leaders, Shaheem and Georgia, who co-ordinated the food collection.  

Walsh House prepared a liturgy online to celebrate Feast of the Sacred Heart where we learned about the devotion of St John to Christ.  Every student decorated a heart in memory of those who were important to them and who they held dear. Can you see yours?

Walsh house is named after Father William Walsh who was the first Parish priest of St John's.  He was devoted and committed to the word of God and also ensured students in the area had access to Catholic education.  Here he is with Father Chinua earlier this year!


Cultural Plans

At St John's we are constantly learning and journeying with our community.  To continue to provide a culturally safe and inclusive learning and teaching environment the staff are engaging in cultural safety workshops in August.  In order to understand our learners better, staff may ask parents to work with them to complete a Cultural Plan.  This plan aims to honour the heritage and ancestry of each child and their family.  As a school community we would like to learn about cultural or faith celebrations that you and your family celebrate.  These plans provide an opportunity for staff to deeper connect to, and understand your child. It will also help the school learn about the diversity of our community and celebrate this together.  You may like to approach your child's teacher about this or staff may discuss this with you at parent teacher meetings.  If you would like more information please do not hesitate in contacting Marisa Patton through the office or email -


Praying using Visio Divina - an invitation

This term the staff and students are starting to explore prayer using the process of Visio Divina: (— “sacred seeing” — is an ancient form of Christian prayer in which we allow our hearts and imaginations to enter into a sacred image, in silence, to see what God might have to say to us).

There are four components to the process that students will participate in.  The older students will also begin to lead these sessions.  

The four components to Visio Divina are for the students to purely observe an image while a short sentence or passage from the bible is read.  We call this See and Read.  Students are then given time to reflect silently with their eyes closed or head bowed where they can connect with image and scripture.  Thirdly, students are given an opportunity to pray - (this may be through drawing, singing, dancing or through words said aloud or in the heart).  The last part of the prayer process is to simply rest.  A time to sit quietly with God, to understand the word or message and to contemplate the way we are being asked to live.

I invite you to participate in Visio Divina with me on Tuesday 1st August at 9am - 9:30a.m.  Please sign in at the office.

See with the eyes of your heart
See with the eyes of your heart

NAIDOC week: Sunday, July 2 -9

NAIDOC week is a time to celebrate the achievements of First Nations People; from politicians to sports people, I wonder how many names you recognise and can celebrate in this song, 'The Children Came Back' by Briggs (featuring Gurrumul & Dewayne Everettsmith)?

Use the images above to find out what NAIDOC stands for!