From the Assistant Principal's Desk (Heights Campus)

Highlights on Heights

Welcome back to Term 3. Students have settled in well after the school holidays and are already engaging in some exciting learning! We would especially like to welcome any new students and their families who have commenced on the Heights Campus.


We have lots of exciting events planned for the different levels this term; with many excursions, incursions and one of our most exciting whole school events planned for later in the term - our Book Week Parade! 


Naidoc Week occurred in the second week of the holidays, so SRPS celebrated in Week 1. This year the theme was “For Our Elders.” Each Learning Centre dedicated some time in the first week to learn about the significance of Naidoc Week and engaged in purposeful activities. The theme also enabled students to think about who in their family is special to them and what they have learnt from that person.


In the MLC Multi-Cultural Kitchen program, they made damper which is an easy bread recipe that is cooked over a fire if you are outdoors, but can also be cooked in the oven. The smell was divine and the students said it tasted delicious!

Safety of our students is always a priority here at Springvale Rise Primary School and we have just had all our play equipment inspected and the Year 3 - 6 playground has had the soft fall (mulch) topped up.  


We have also been very lucky to have some students doing some weeding and making our garden beds look really nice. They along with a parent volunteer, will be helping to trim our plants, weed the garden and sweep our paths so that our school looks amazing.  We are also pondering having an afternoon working bee where everyone can be involved.  Watch this space! 

Just a reminder that school starts at 9.00am, with Breakfast Club opening at 8.30am. Some students have been arriving very early which means they are outside in the cold, but also the playground is unsupervised. If you can drop your children at school closer to 8.30am, then they can attend Breakfast Club and there is supervision provided.  Outdoor supervision commences at 8:45am.


Another option is to utilise the services of Their Care, which runs a Before School Care program and an After School Care Program. There are fliers at the Office that have further information.

Foundation Enrolments 2024!

If you have a child ready to start school next year please collect or fill in the enrolment form and hand it into the Office as soon as possible. 


There will be a FREE SCHOOL T-SHIRT  if you enrol before the end of August and your child will go into the draw to WIN an amazing PRIZE!




Mrs Suzanne Stubbings 

Acting Assistant Principal

(Heights Campus)