Student Leaders' News

Term 2

Writing Competition

During Term 2, Chelsea, our Library Captain, ran a writing competition for all interested students across the school. At our last assembly we celebrated all the students who entered and three people from each year level won an award for the best story. Everyone had so much fun participating!


Art Competition

The Art Captains are holding an art competition for students from Prep to Grade Six. The theme is 'colour' and must be a drawing or painting (can be digital but must be printed). The winning entries will be used to design a painting at the school.  More information has been sent home on a notice. 


The Production

Students from 3-6 are working hard to rehearse for their production of 'What a Knight'! We can't wait to share the show with you all in the weeks ahead. Book your tickets soon so you don't miss out!


Everyone Can Create

Our ICT Captains have been busy organising the Everyone Can Create sessions for students. Keep an eye out for future sessions which you might be interested in attending