
Visual Arts
If you haven't had a chance yet, pop up to the office foyer to check out the Prep 'Fish Skeletons' that students made to celebrate NAIDOC Week. Well done to all the students on careful cutting and placement of the bones along the spine.
Grade 1/2
Every Grade 1 and 2 student has now painted the base coat on their portion of the kick-rail on the ramp outside the Art room. Over the next couple of weeks they will add their Aboriginal inspired artworks. Be sure to check them out when you're walking through.
Grade 3/4
Threading a needle, tying knots, learning how to sew beads into fabric are just some of the skills these patient students have shown over the past few weeks. This project has had many steps and processes and the final products are looking amazing. We hope they are hanging somewhere at home where they can be celebrated and admired!
Grade 5
Students in Grade 5 have been busy making their sword props for the senior school production 'What a Knight'. Construction, team work, measuring and painting are all part of the process. Everyone is getting very excited to see the show comes together.
Art Competition
Our wonderful Art Captains are currently holding a competition for all students in the school. The roller door outside the Art room is in need of a face-lift so one winner from each of Prep, Grade 1/2, Grade 3/4 and Grade 5/6 will get their designs painted on the door by themselves and the Art Captains. There are already some amazing entries, but it's not too late to submit one! It needs to be drawn or painted on A4 paper and placed in the box at the office by the end of week 6.
Physical Education and Sport
State Cross Country Final
We would like to congratulate Harvey from 6C on his outstanding achievement to finish 25th in the State Cross Country final. In order to compete on this day, Harvey successfully progressed through the earlier levels of school, district, division and region. We are very proud of Harvey and the manner in which he represented himself and our school.
Interschool Sports Playoffs
On Thursday 13th July, our Volleybounce Mixed and Hotshots Girls Interschool Sports Teams competing in the Ringwood District Championship playoffs, both against Tintern Grammar. Pleasingly, both teams showed excellent poise and collaboration to win and be crowned district champions.
We also have our Teeball Girls team (Term One Interschool Sports) competing in the Maroondah Division Playoffs at Croydon Hills Primary School next Friday. We wish them luck and look forward to seeing how they go.
Maker Space
Grade 1 and 2
Our challenge this term encourages students to see how they can all contribute to a greater project by splitting a job into multiple tasks.
Whilst students are making their own 'Space' item they will be pairing their item with a different portion of the picture below to create a whole class puzzle.
Students can choose to make a 2D or 3D item and will decide how to set up their scene when it comes to photographing their background tile in coming weeks.
Grade 3 and 4
The challenge this term is focused on using our iPads as a creative tool to film a pretend news bulletin that will highlight why diversity is so important. This could be diversity in ecosystems, communities ... anything!
In their small groups, students have just completed the storyboard stage of the production process. They detailed the camera angles, shots, special effects, sound effects and other important details so they could plan out the videos they need to film and how they will edit these together.
Grade 5 and 6
Our Senior School is putting their advertiser's hat on and creating an advertisement for WPPS that focuses on the diversity of our school - whether that be in the programs offered, community, facilities etc.
Each small group is finalising their storyboards that highlight how they plan to manipulate their audience using camera angles, shots, soundtrack, special effects and more.
Students are itching to start filming all around our school and begin to produce their final advertisement.
Performing Arts
Prep - Grade 2
Our students have been off to a flying start exploring drama in Performing Arts and have been exploring drama and performance skills. Ask them to teach you the drama game, 'Shazam!' Students have begun to practice workshopping simple ideas to communicate more abstractly and theatrically with an audience.
1. | The Giant | Stomp feet like a giant saying 'Fee Fee Fo Fum' |
2. | The Knight | Raise a sword up in the air saying 'En guard!' |
3. | The Wizard | Step forward and exclaim the magic word 'Shazzam!' |
In a similar way to Rock, Papers, Scissors, the Giants beat Knights, Knights beat Wizards, and Wizards beat Giants.
Senior Production
We could not be prouder of our Grade 3 - 6 students as they continue to rehearse and refine their production work. Students are currently practicing their items with their grade levels including blocking out positions, and practicing entering and exiting in our mock stage space. Our speaking and specialist dancing cast have been working hard memorising their lines, choreography and polishing their performances. We are all getting excited to share this hilarious, musical adventure with you at our performances on the 14th and 15th of August! Costumes are currently being finalised and try on sessions will be happening soon!