
Lisa Male | Student Wellbeing, Inclusion and Engagement Leader

Passion Project

The Passion Project is all about building social connections, learning how to make and sustain friendships, such as turn taking, being a good sport, winning/losing well, negotiation skills, listening, being kind/thoughtful of other people’s needs/wants, and developing resilience. Tanja, Kath and Perrianne have really enjoyed running this program and look forward to continuing in Term 3.  The students involved always look forward to participating every Wednesday afternoon.


So far this year we have all enjoyed:

  • Construction 
  • Cooking – pizza 
  • Marshmallow bunnies, paper egg basket
  • Anzac biscuits 
  • Mother's Day activity 
  • Directed drawing & popcorn 
  • 'I am grateful for' craft 
  • Card games/ board games 
  • Team games 

Zanna and The Lost Code Performance

On Tuesday, the whole school attended a live performance of Zanna and the Lost Code, which addresses bullying and effective strategies students can use to keep themselves safe from bullies. It was wonderful to see the level of engagement and enthusiasm from students across all levels of the school during the play. Many students reported how helpful they found the show. 


Sofia (Grade 2) - 

I noticed that Zanna discovered it was bad to bully others and good to make friends. I think people learnt that if you see someone being bullied out in the yard, and they don't stop when you say stop, you should say "STOP IT, I DON'T LIKE IT". Then you should tell the teacher. If they still do it then they should go to the principal and tell them. I liked it was Zanna said "friends only" and "knowledge is power".

Mitch (Grade 6) -

We learnt about cyberbullies. They told us you can turn your settings to 'friends only' and if people get too mean you can report them. They reminded us that you can turn off the voice and chat features in most games. I feel like this was an important message for some students, especially if this is happening to them. It was a more entertaining way to teach us, than just talking to us about it.

Lexie (Grade 2)

I learnt that you can't bully or otherwise people aren't going to be your friend. You can tell a teacher or say 'stop it, I don't like it' if you see someone being bullied. It helped me knowing what to do if I see someone else being bullied. I think other children should watch this show to help them.

Josh (Grade 6)

Cyber bullying isn't good, and it happens more often than you realise. It helps kids to understand the effect of cyber bullying on others.