Principal's Report

Full Steam Ahead
It has been such an enjoyable term, having all students back onsite and learning in a vibrant and largely restriction free environment. Although somewhat tired towards the end of term, staff and students alike have been so happy to be learning and achieving excellence together onsite.
In addition to wonderful classroom activities, we have had camps, excursions and sporting activities back in full swing.
This week our Year 10 EXCEL Girls, won the state title in Ultimate Frisbee. This was off the back of some outstanding performances across multiple age groups in Touch Rugby (see EXCEL Sport page for further details).
In addition, our senior girls made it through to the Regional Grand Final for Cricket a few weeks ago.
It was wonderful to be able to invite parents and carers in for Interviews this week, with over 2000 bookings made. It was particularly nice to meet new Year 7 families and hear such positive feedback about the transition into Patterson River.
College Open Night
Thank you to the members of our College community who assisted with Open Night on the 14th March. Once again, the event was well attended with approximately 600 people in attendance. In particular, it was great to see so many of our students volunteering on the night to show prospective families around the school and share their insights and knowledge of our College.
School Review
Over the last three weeks, the Department of Education and Training has conducted our school review. This is a process that all schools undertake on a four-yearly basis.
The school review team conducted classroom visits, focus groups and 1:1 interviews. The review team recognised the following highlights:
- Calm, orderly learning environment across the school.
- Engaged and happy students
- Strong Student Voice and Leadership Program
- Year 9 Learning 4 Life Program
- School Wide Positive Behaviour initiative
- Established EXCEL programs
- Outstanding results across parent, staff and student surveys
- Improvements in assessment and Teaching & Learning Practices
- Improving NAPLAN results
- Inclusive school programs
Together with the leadership team at the College, the reviewers have established a draft strategic plan to cover 2022-2025.
There are three key areas that the College will focus on over the next four areas:
- Student Achievement
- Student Engagement
- Student Health & Wellbeing
There are a range of targets and key improvement strategies aligned to each of these goals. I will communicate these with the school community once they have been tabled at school council in May.
Staffing Update
Patty Thompson will be retiring early next term from her long term role as a Food Technician with the College. Patty will be missed, especially her ever present smile and bubbly personality. Leanne Kirkland has secured a role in a rural school and will finish up this term. I wish them all the best for their next endeavours.
As a result we are currently recruiting for a Food Technology Technician which will be followed by a fulltime Maths/Science teacher. Inquiries for both roles can be made by contacting the College.
Annual Report to the School Community
I recently tabled the College’s draft Annual Report the School Community which will be available to the public early next term. Pleasingly, the results and other data supplied by the Department of Education & Training demonstrates that Patterson River continues to perform well in most areas. In addition, the College remains in a strong financial position which will enable to school to finalise a number of current projects, include toilet upgrades and ensuring that the new buildings are decked out with state of the art technology. I look forward to sharing the final report.
Transition Information
Next term, Grade 6 families will be provided with enrolment forms from their primary schools. While the dates are yet to be set by the Department of Education & Training, bookings are open for our key testing days for EXCEL, along with scholarship applications and out of zone applications.
EXCEL Academic Testing
Expressions of interest close: Friday 30 April
Testing Wednesday 5 May 9am-2.30pm
EXCEL Sport Testing
Expressions of interest close: Friday 7 May
Testing Thursday 13 May 9am-2.30pm
Mr Daniel Dew
College Principal