On Friday the 19th of March we had our first RUOK Day for students at the College. Our amazing Primary School Captains produced a brilliant video that was shown in all Primary classes for devotions.
The students encapsulated the aim of this day by explaining why asking RUOK is so important. The Captains then beautifully directed the students to Jesus and God’s word as being so critical for life.
The leaders then ran a pavement drawing experience at recess and blew bubbles with the Preps. The sense of joy and fun during the day was contagious and I want to thanks Mrs Chelsea Edwards and the leaders for championing this day. Well done everyone!
Yvonne Hughes
Head of Primary School
The children are really enjoying their time at PMP on Wednesday mornings! We are thankful for the many parents who have volunteered to help with PMP from 8:50-10:10am. The Preps do PMP from 9:00-9:30am and the Year 1s from 9:35-10:05am. The parents who are rostered on then help to pack away the equipment.
Mr Farmer helps us with PMP most Wednesdays and he is happy to talk to the parents from 8:50am, to explain the activity you will be supervising. If any other parents would like to help with PMP for Term 2, please email me at
Sonia Sires
Prep S Teacher
Creating Rain Clouds
Over Term 1 we have studied the amazing way in which God created our amazing world and how he thought of everything to make our world such a beautiful place to live. In science we have been learning about the weather, what different types of weather are and how it affects our daily life.
We loved doing a science experiment on Wind and testing what materials can be blown by wind and what cannot. We had a great brainstorming time discussing why this occurs. We studied the Water Cycle and learning some very big words; participation, condensation and evaporation. We made our own rain cloud and watched as the rain drops became too heavy and it started to rain.
Shellene Pillifeant
Prep Teacher
AUSLAN Guest speaker
On Friday the 19th March, the Year 1s had two special guests come to school to teach us sign language. We learnt how to sign words like "Jesus", "Bible", "children", "love" and can even sign to "Jesus loves me". We had so much fun!
Gaye Jones & Natalie Nheu
Year 1 Teachers
Teddy Bears' Picnic
Paddington, Winnie the Pooh, and Big Ted! On Friday the 12th March, our Year 1s had their Teddy Bears' Picnic. It was so lovely to have a wonderful picnic evening enjoying family time, dinner and fun and games with our teddys. We had such a great night and even had some crazy monkeys visit us during story time. It was so lovely to see and hear the laughter, chatting and fun that was being shared, we had such a blast!
Gaye Jones & Natalie Nheu
Year 1 Teachers
Loads of Learning in Year 3
Year 3 students have been learning about the sun, moon and the earth. We particularly enjoyed discovering more about how shadows are formed. Playing “Shadow Tiggy” and making shadow shapes was good fun too!
We have also started Aboriginal Studies in Humanities, and Mrs Booth shared her knowledge with us in an interesting talk. She showed us wonderful items that are important to Indigenous Australians.
Another highlight over the last week was having our Primary Captains visit and share a devotion with us.
Overall, we have had a fun and enjoyable term!
Year 3 students
Why I am Blessed to be at St Andrew Christian College?
The following quotes are from Year 4 who shared an oral presentation to their peers in class this term.
“I am blessed to be at St Andrews Christian College because I think everyone is nice as they want to follow Gods rules. All the teachers help me when I am stuck and prepare things for us to do.” Annabelle Choi
“I am blessed to be a student at St Andrews Christian College because we have amazing teachers who are kind and friendly and who explain our work really well. When you come to this school you will feel very welcome because lots of people will be your friends.” Akesh Weerakoon
“I am blessed to be a student at St Andrews Christian College because of all the fun things, the kind teachers and lovely students. Also that we are a Christian school and we can learn about God.” Charlotte Cheung
“I am blessed to be a student at St Andrews Christian College because I live really close to the school so I can ride my bike every day and the teachers are all really nice”. Neil Chong
“I am blessed to be a student at St Andrews Christian College because this school has lots of specialist classes like I.T, Sport, Music and Chinese. It also has a big play area.” Ebony Baxter
“I am blessed to be a student at St Andrews Christian College because the school has good teachers who encourage us to do good things and Trust in the Lord. There are kind friends who help you all the time and help you when you fall down.” Livia Abraham
Gail van Heerden
Year 4 Teacher
Cranbourne Botanic Gardens Excursion
On 1st of March (Monday) all the year 4 students went to Cranbourne Botanic Gardens. We went there to learn about the Aboriginal culture. Jeshurun Amarasingham
I really enjoyed smelling the lemon myrtle leaves. I learnt that strong flavoured plants like lemon myrtle were used to make the earliest cordial. We smelt the leaf and it smelt like the lemon honey flavoured cough candy. Veronica Che
One of my favourite activities was going to the Weird and Wonderful Garden. I liked it because we got to use ochre to make paint by putting water on a rock and rubbing the ochre on the rock! Gabriel Chen
My most favourite activity was the wading pool. The water was perfect! There was also a mini waterfall. Reeti Karki
I thought our excursion was wonderful and I hope I have more of these exciting excursions where we can have fun and learn at the same time in the future! Jacqueline O’Brien
I really liked this excursion and I learnt a lot. My favourite part was making paint. I was very tired but happy when I got back home! Jayden Yang
Paige Cheung & Gail van Heerden
Year 4 Teachers
Sovereign Hill Excursion
On Monday 22nd March, Year 5 when on an excursion to Sovereign Hill to learn about Australia’s gold rush. Thanks be to God, we all had a great day together.
Dan Ferguson
Year 5 Teacher
The FAN tastic police!
YAWN! It was 6:30am but I jumped out of bed eagerly to go to Sovereign Hill. We travelled on a bus and when we got to Sovereign Hill, we were all very excited to get there. First, we panned for gold and although it was fun, it was not my favourite part. Then we went to play a game with a teacher, a game that was the highlight for me.
“Hold up! Do you have a licence to the mine?” I eagerly questioned the miners. I was the police with Erin, and we had to fine people or put them jail if they didn’t have a licence to mine. The aim of the game was to try and earn the most money.
The winning team was my team! We earned £63 and most other teams only made £5. We were so thrilled we started using our money as fans. We were FAN TASTIC! At the end we gave free money to everyone. (Don’t worry, we already counted up the scores.) The teacher told us that £1 in the gold rush was like $1000 so technically we made $63000, a pity it was fake money! That’s why the game was my favourite activity.
Afterwards, we watched lollies being made and subsequently visited the Red Hill Mines. Following lunch, we went shopping but everything was so expensive! Finally, we had dinner and headed home.
What an exhausting but interesting day…Sovereign Hill was the best! Thank you to Mrs Law, Mr Sheahan, Mrs Hughes and Mr Ferguson for bringing us there!
By Marcus Chong
Gold Panning in Sovereign Hill
On Monday we had an amazing excursion to Sovereign Hill. I was so excited we had to get there by 7:15am in the morning. It took two hours to get there and once we arrived everyone was so excited to start gold panning! In the 1850s… people would pan for gold in the rivers and streams. Me and Ella actually found gold and place them in bottles of water.
Apart from that we learned about pounds and shillings and actually looked for gold in a mini mineshaft. When it was lunchtime we gathered around in a huge playground and sat at the benches to eat. We saw a lolly and gun demonstration which was really cool! We bought souvenirs and candy to eat and take home. We saw a gold pour and after I bought a golden wombat for my parents. We rode on a carriage and went bowling. I was so tired at the end of a great school trip!
By Elysha Letten
Raspberry Drops from Sovereign Hill are so good!
On Monday our whole grade went to Sovereign Hill on a bus for our excursion. When we arrived we sat on picnic tables around the lake and ate our recess. Soon after, we went gold panning which was so hard!
Finally we got to go play some short fun games where I got thrown into jail. But my favourite of all was watching the man make raspberry drops. I was hesitant of eating the raspberry drops when he mentioned they used to make them from beetle juice but they were so good! Eventually it was dinner after shopping and I was starving. The food was so good and the brownie was the best but then we had to go back to school.
By Evelyn Lee
Visit from Lola
On RU OK Day 6E had a very special visitor – Mrs Edwards’ new puppy, Lola! The students were extremely excited to meet Lola and were counting down the minutes until she arrived.
Lola loved running around outside and meeting everybody, and the students loved patting her, carrying her around, playing chasey and feeding her lunch! What a wonderful way to celebrate R U OK Day.
Chelsea Edwards
Year 6 Teacher
Puzzling Perimeters
6L maths group were involved in a challenging jigsaw puzzle that engaged in the concepts of perimeter, area and mathematical reasoning. Here students were to create a larger sphinx from 4 small sphinxes, then create increasingly larger sphinx sizes.
It seemed quite easy until students had to try and create a Size 3 Sphinx. We congratulated Isaac Hsien who was given one clue word: 'orientation' and created a Size 3 Sphinx independently!
Melanie Lepileo
Year 6 Teacher