Whole School

From the Communications Prefect

My epiphany about school stress: 

Everyone says it to us at the end of Year Ten - ‘it’s a big step up’ and ‘Year Eleven is when it becomes ‘serious’. Having gone through Year Eleven, I can say that it was true. It was a big step up and the pressure to do well definitely increased. For me - someone who really cares about my school marks - I found myself in a bit of a sticky situation. Every test was a huge emotional effort and I felt as though I was constantly being weighed down by my anxieties about going well. Upon reflection now, I can see that my own expectations of myself were doing more harm than good. 


It may seem a bit odd that I’m saying this now, only a term into Year Twelve - the final year of school, the most ‘important’ year. But after spending time with friends that have left school in the recent holidays, I was able to actually think about my life beyond school and in doing so, my anxiety about my results significantly decreased. I still care and I still work hard, but the feeling of school and ATAR being my sole goal has gone away. 


Stress is such a powerful emotion and it’s so important that we don’t let it completely dominate our lives. I know lots of us struggle with the stress of school, but if there’s any way you can change your mindset, it will really help.


Lucy Bonnin | Communications Prefect 

Western Australian Debating League Competition

Round One

After missing a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, debating is up and running and we have a mighty team of dedicated orators and upholders of the power of public speaking!


On Monday night our speakers Noah Hagenhofer, Olivia North and Phoebe Thompson argued the affirmative against Australian Christian College. The topic; This House would have the government pay a salary to parents who stay at home with their children. After a year away, our debaters dusted off the rust and stood up with well crafted arguments to speak convincingly and with conviction. Their team work and individual effort was rewarded with a win and I commend the speakers and the team for the support they offered.


It was wonderful to have an audience and the adjudicator commended our students for crossing the floor to chat with the opposition while he came to his decision; not something he sees with the city debaters! A lovely aspect of the collegiality that is fostered in country competitions.


Thank you to all the parents who attended to support their brave students! The next debate is Monday 10 May at 6.15pm, at North Albany Senior High School. 


Ms Valda Wieland | Speech and Debating Convenor

MSWA Albany Swim 

On Saturday 15 May 2021, MSWA Albany Swim is going to be held at Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre. This is a very friendly, fun and extremely worthwhile charity event to raise money to make a difference to people living with neurological conditions in the Great Southern region. We have put in a team, or several teams, for at least the last five years, and we are entering a Middle School team this year.  The name of this team is "GSG8B KrustyKrabs". 


We have raised over $1500 so far and we aim to raise over $2000. To fulfill our goal, we need your support to sponsor our team. 


Please use the following link: https://www.mswaswim.org.au/gsg-8-b-krusty-krabs to support our fundraising. 


If you have any questions regarding the involvement of GSG students,  please email atsuko.kagi@gsg.wa.edu.au