Year 11

On Tuesday 23 March, as part of VCE Ethics, Year 11 students engaged in a Seminar Day exploring ethics in our lives. 


Special guest, Dr Elise Stephenson, spoke to students about how ethics are difficult and there are many viewpoints for each issue. Elise made the point that when it comes to living ethically, it is rarely ok to do nothing. 

Throughout the day students discussed issues such as animal rights, climate change and capital punishment. This was a day full of challenge and debate, designed to help students think more deeply about the ethical issue they will be researching over the coming weeks.


Cate Jacka

VCE Teacher


On Tuesday 23 March, Year 11 students had a Seminar Day where we learnt to question our ethics and ask bigger questions about the world we live in. 


We were lucky to have guest speaker, Elise Stephenson, present to our year level about her many accomplishments such as her campaigns for LGBTQ+ communities in Hong Kong as well as her assistance with disadvantaged rural communities in Australia. By sharing and inspiring us with her story, Elise explained the importance of ethics in daily life and the courage that we need to confront issues so that we can be on the right side of history!


At the end of the day, we were lucky enough to ask Elise questions about her ethics and her life story. This session was very insightful as we gathered a better understanding of how she came from being a Year 12 school student who had a disability to becoming the inspirational young women she is today, following her ethics to support the greater good. 


Overall, the day was very informative and helped us to develop our ethical viewpoints.


Francesca Malignaggi

Year 11