
Education Perfect Languages Championships

This year’s Education Perfect Languages Championships are over for another year! There were 345 of our Languages students who enthusiastically participated in the week-long competition to achieve the global ranking of 41st place for our College!


Congratulations to the 52 students who attained scores above 1000 points in the competition, to earn awards at Bronze, Silver, Gold, Emerald and Elite levels!


Our top four students who reached the Elite level of 10,000+ points were:

  • Sarah Bloomer (Year 10) - 12,006 points
  • Sophie Bloomer (Year 10) - 11,111 points
  • Yuhan Huang (Year 10) - 11,111 points
  • Emily Smith (Year 9) - 10,085 points

Well done to all four students who were very competitive throughout the week, but conscientious in their efforts to learn and revise as much Japanese as they could! Sarah continued her run as Kilbreda EPLC Champion from last year, despite the close competition from her classmate, Yuhan, and her twin sister, Sophie, who were equal second. Emily Smith in Year 9 was a top scorer also in last year’s competition and maintained her efforts this year!


Other awards gained were one Emerald,  eight Gold, 12 Silver and 26 Bronze. All participating students who reached points above 1000 points will be receiving a medal or trophy, as well as a certificate of achievement from Education Perfect. Credit certificates will also be awarded to students who attained 500 – 999 points.

As in previous years, the awards, medals and certificates will be presented at an Assembly later in the year.


In Victoria, Kilbreda also achieved:

  • 2nd place - Japanese
  • 7th place - Italian
  • 19th place - French


Wonderful results for the College and our Languages students!


Miho Yamanaka and 

Marlene Weberruss

Learning Leaders: 

Japanese, Italian and French

The Kilbreda Languages Club

On 11 March, we held the first meeting of the year for the Kilbreda Languages Club. The Languages Club is a great opportunity to make new friends who share common interests, while also improving your language skills. For our first session, we held a Kahoot! competition, where we answered questions about Japanese culture. Many of us were surprised to find out that there are 5.52 million vending machines in Japan, and also that the average train delay is 18 seconds! Everyone seemed to have fun engaging in some friendly competition and winning some prizes. For the future, we hope to incorporate some fun cultural activities and games as well as study sessions. 


We encourage everyone, even if your daughter no longer studies a language, to come to our next Languages Club meeting. We plan to play some Japanese, Italian and French games which will allow students to practise their speaking skills. 


Kara Miwa-Dale and 

Holly Sutherland 

Languages Leaders

Introducing Maria Giorgianni - 

Italian Assistant

I am from a little village in Sicily, where I have lived since I was born. I studied Business at the University of Messina, not far from my village and then I became passionate about teaching. 


When I was in secondary school, I learned the basics of Spanish and English and since then I have not stopped studying languages. This helps me to connect with people from other countries, learning about their culture and to probably be a better person. At the same time, I love talking about my country and my culture, especially while I am teaching Italian.


My desire to broaden my horizons led me and my family to Melbourne where we started a new life. I love getting out of my comfort zone and exploring new opportunities. We have been here for three years now and we feel that we have found our second home.


I am very happy to be working at Kilbreda College this year and I am enjoying meeting the Italian students. I have found the students lovely and welcoming. I am impressed by their knowledge and skills in Italian and love their curiosity and their enthusiasm. I hope to make them even more passionate about learning my language and my country’s culture as much as I am to learn theirs!


I am also enjoying working with all of the amazing Italian teachers and all of the staff have been very nice and welcoming as well.


 Maria Giorgianni

Italian Assistant