Message from 

Nurse Janice

Hello and welcome back to school for 2022

I am hopeful it will be a year with less disruption than previously. Please remember if your child/ student is unwell do not send them to school. 

Dental Visits 

The dental Van will be at school Week 7 for screening of all students who return a signed consent form. Consent forms for all students have been sent home this week. Please complete the details and return the signed form to the front office as soon as possible if you wish your student to be seen.

Year 7 & 10 Immunisations

These will occur in Week 8. Consent forms have been sent home. Please complete the details, sign the forms and return to school as soon as possible, even if you are indicating you do not wish your child to be immunised. 


Every year there is a sharp rise in the number of asthma attacks for children when they return to school after the summer holidays. This results in a significant increase in Emergency Department visits, hospitalization and days off school which can be unsettling for children as they start a new year. This is also thunderstorm season so students’ asthma needs to be well controlled. 


If your child has asthma, please ensure their written Asthma Action Plan is current and if not, I encourage you to visit your doctor for an Asthma Review of your child’s asthma and update of their Plan. If your child is a student in Year 7-12 an appointment can be arranged with Dr Jo Dennis, our doctor who is at school every Tuesday. Parents are welcome to attend appointments. Contact the school to arrange an appointment.