Year 7

Year 7 – A great start to 2022

We have had a great start to the year, firstly, having the students attend on site has made such a difference. It is wonderful to have them back in the classroom. Students have been re-establishing old friendships and making new friends too. 

On the very first day of the term, our Year 7 students certainly looked the part, smartly dressed in uniform. We gathered outdoors for our first assembly before the students were allocated their locker and then proceeded to learn how to use the lock. The Year 7s toured the college to find their classrooms and for many students having different teachers for different subjects was exciting.

The Year 7 students eagerly participated in the ‘welcome to secondary college’ activities that focused on making students feel welcome and connected to the college. The excitement was evident when each class was involved in a scavenger hunt across the college; in small teams, year 7 students had to identify key school locations. 


They have also been involved in the Digital Literacy classes as well as engaging in a variety of sporting activities. 

Recently we had the Swimming Sports and the year 7 students came dressed in their House colours and were magnificent in the pool as competitors and cheered for their classmates even if they were swimming for the opposition.

Thank you parents and guardians for the contact you have made and and we look forward to continuing working with you to support your child.


Denise Leggett

Assistant Principal