Discovery Centre


Halo semuanya - hello everyone!


It has been another amazing week in the Discovery Centre! We would like to thank all our families for making the time to attend our conferences last week. It was a pleasure to have you in our classrooms and talk about how students have been settling in this year. We also extend congratulations to all our SRC representatives from each classroom! It was wonderful to be able to see students presented with their badges in assembly last week. 


In Writing sessions, we are continuing to learn new codes. This week we will practise b, e, h and i. You might like to spend some time ‘code spotting’ at home when you are reading! We encourage students to practise the sounds of each code when they see it - sometimes there is more than one sound per code! Capital letters and full stops will also be a focus this week as we start to look at writing some sentences. In Reading we will continue to look at the different events in a story and order them as they occurred. 


In Mathematics last week we looked at the names and features of 2D shapes. This week we will begin to subitise collections of pictures and objects as we strengthen and deepen our understanding of counting. Students will look at common representations - like on a dice - and more uncommon formations as well! Each class has also been discussing the date and days of the week. These would be great conversation points to continue at home as well! 

Reading Journals and books were sent home in orange folders this week and must be returned each day. The books being sent home will be simple and provide an opportunity for students to build good reading routines at home. They will need support to fill out reading journals each night but can be responsible for packing their orange folders and changing their book at school each day. 


In Wellbeing, we will continue speaking about the Zones of Regulation and tools that we can use to assist us to identify and communicate our emotions. In Guided Inquiry, we will begin talking about identity as we discover our unique commonalities and differences!


We look forward to another fun week next week! Some highlights this week were drawing shapes, spending time with Murphy and learning our new codes.

Student Voice

What was your favourite thing about coming to school last week?

  • Cindy Z - "Playing with my friends"
  • Melody F - "I liked drawing."
  • Raayan V - "Playing with the basketball"
  • Aarya P - "I like colouring."


  • As we are a sunsmart school we ask that your child keeps their hat at school. You may also provide sunscreen for them to reapply throughout the day, your child's teacher will remind them to do so.
  • Please ensure you only pack water for your child to drink throughout the day.
  • We will begin our Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) on Friday in Week 3. This is a fantastic program that helps students develop a wide range of skills such as fine and gross motor, balance and coordination. Please ensure your child does not wear tights as they need to remove their shoes and socks.
  • Take Home Books will go home Monday-Thursday. The reading log should be filled out each night and brought to school each day in the orange folder. 

Pupil of the Week

FH: Felix N -

For trying your best and not giving up when completing challenging tasks and writing some tricky letters! You are a superstar Felix!


FG: Cindy Z -

For working hard to learn the sounds of new codes and practising your handwriting! Keep challenging yourself, Cindy!


FJ: William J -

For demonstrating the school values of responsibility and respect when taking care of the lunch time sports equipment. You suggested for your class to come and join you to help pack everything away. Wonderful work William.