Inquiry Centre


Hello land, hello water, hello sky, hello me, hello friends. “I can hear birds, I hear people talking” are just some of the responses of the sounds we could hear as we went outside to take a moment to relax and take in the sounds of what’s around us. As part of our First Nations session last week, students looked at what is country? and What is Wurundjeri? Using parts of nature from the garden, classes created a ‘connection to Wurundjeri country’ nature collage. Our focus was also on what it means to care for country. 

Building our nature collage
Building our nature collage

Congratulations to all SRC representatives from the Inquiry Centre who received their badges at a whole school assembly last Friday.


During Maths sessions last week we were learning to tell the time, describe the features of a clock and make times on clocks. We explored telling the time to the hour, half past, quarter past/to and to the minute. Time is an excellent topic that can be incorporated at home as you can discuss the time you leave for school, the time you eat or get ready for bed! We explored what analogue clocks look like compared to digital clocks. We also looked at describing events that happen at different times in the day and what our favourite time of day is.

Our Writing focus this week included planning for success. We explored the different ways we could plan a story using different visual prompts. We worked collaboratively to brainstorm ideas for characters, settings, problems and solutions in stories using a visual prompt and sharing them with each other. 

Creating our story maps
Creating our story maps

During Literacy we started our rotations this week which included engaging in a listening post activity. Please bring named headphones to school as we use these for this task. We continued to look at the similarities and differences of fiction and nonfiction books with students filling in venn diagrams identifying these differences and similarities. 

Literacy Rotations in action!
Literacy Rotations in action!


We continued our discussions around living and nonliving things in science this week. We looked at how we can use tables to record information and we used a table to tick or cross different questions to identify if an object was living or not. 


We look forward to another busy and exciting week this week,

Miss Glen, Mrs Martin, Miss Molloy, Mrs Seadon, Mr Shaw, Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Tang

Student Voice

  • Yvon Z - "I love writing and my favourite part of this week was brainstorming ideas for narratives."
  • Durga K -  "In Maths we learned about time and I liked drawing and making time on the analogue clocks."


  • Students should bring and keep labelled headphones to use while at school
  • Please bring a labelled drink bottle every day
  • Donation of tissue boxes to use in the classroom would be greatly appreciated

Pupil of the Week

1/2ET: Max M - 

For demonstrating creativity when working in a team to help design and build a ‘bug umbrella’ as part of our STEM challenge. You worked well with your peers, sharing ideas to help make your umbrella waterproof. Amazing work Max!


1/2G: Amelia D

For demonstrating perseverance and  love of learning while planning a narrative. It was great to see you recording your creative ideas in the planning template. Keep it up, Amelia!


1/2K: Ollie M - 

For demonstrating curiosity when reading non fiction texts. You used your understanding of captions and the index page to search for facts about animals you had questions about. Outstanding Ollie!


1/2M: Adnan A - 

For demonstrating a love of learning this week in all tasks. You have approached each task with cheerfulness and hard work to demonstrate your very best at all times. Amazing efforts Adnan! 


1/2SS: Kai M - 

For demonstrating amazing creativity during activities. You take great care when working on all tasks, particularly when drawing is involved. What a wonderful strength you have! Well done Kai!