Parents & FriendsĀ 

šŸŽ‚Ā Last week the Cake Raffle was HUGE! Ā 

A big thank you to both Alice Prescott and Diana Chan for their amazing baked donations - there were lots of lucky winners on Friday. Ā 

Last weekā€™s cake raffle raised $74.10

There will be a sign up sheet for Cake Raffle volunteers at the Office desk or if you canā€™t get to the Office to sign up but want to provide a cake/slice/biscuits one week please let me know and I can add your name to the roster.Ā 

And thank you to the parents who have already popped their name down!Ā 


šŸ¤ Like to get involved with your childā€™s class? Want to help other parents feel more connected?Ā Weā€™re still looking for a few parent class reps. Itā€™s not a difficult role - you will be given a class contact list to send out to the parents in your class, and you might like to organise a park catch up once a term. It can be as easy or involved as you want it to be. If youā€™re keen to find out more, please contact the office or myself.Ā 


ā™„ļøThank you to the Grade 1/2 Parents and Grade 3/4 Parents who attended our Parent Catch Ups last week. It was great to see familiar faces and a few new faces too.Ā 

A big thank you again to Emily Harnett, Bec Smith and Monica Colls for helping with the clean up.Ā 


šŸ•µļøā€ā™€ļø The Parent Managed Head Lice Program has been very successful in the past, and it will commence again later this term.Ā  As the name suggests, we need *parents* to make it work. If you have a current Working With Childrenā€™s Check, are available 1-2 mornings a term, and are happy to be trained and provided with everything youā€™ll need, then please contact the Office or let Mais know. The more helpers we have, the quicker we get through the school and the faster we can stop lice spreading. Itā€™s also a great way to chat with other parents too.Ā 

Mais Sukkar has kindly stepped up to co-ordinate the program again - thanks Mais!!Ā 


šŸ„£Ā If you are finding yourself struggling financially during this time, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out to Jess who is our Community Services Representative. She will maintain the strictest of privacyĀ and can help with getting food on the table for your family.Ā 

Similarly, if you find yourself in a secure financialĀ place at the moment, you might like to reach out to Jess to see how you can provide confidential support to others in our community. You can email Jess at:Ā


šŸ‘šŸ»Ā If you havenā€™t already, please join the Parents Facebook group:Ā

It is a great place to stay up to date with school events and connect with fellow parents.Ā Just remember to answer the two questions when you request to join!


šŸ“ŖIf you would like more information regarding the Parents & Friends community, the email address isĀĀ or you can find me through the Parent Facebook Group.Ā 


Flip McKinnon

Parents & Friends Co-ordinatorĀ