Middle School News

Year 9 Media Studies
Photoshop Task
Students were given the chance to create a poster using Photoshop. They were given one image to use and were asked to find a background to put it on. They were also encouraged to explore other found images to add detail and creative flair to their poster.
Congratulations to Lily K. for the piece she created. It shows great technical skill and a wonderful creative flair
Greetings from Year 9!
Our Year 9 peer leaders have started to run a series of clubs for our Year 7’s on Wednesday lunchtimes! One example of this is the Coding Club where our Year 9 peer leaders have been teaching our Year 7’s how to use block coding on Scratch to create moving sprites.
In the Myself program, students have started to attend and plan for excursions. One example of this is the 1000 Steps excursion which took place for the MyFitness group.
The MyFitness class had their first excursion on the 16th of February to the 1000 steps. A group of students had to plan the whole thing from public transport to getting back to school on time. Everyone had to bring myki’s and a bit of money as we had to go onto public transport, as it wasn’t a planned school trip.
Firstly, we took the bus which didn’t take too long, we arrived at the train station and then took the train for pretty much the rest of the way there. We first sat down for lunch and students with money were able to buy some ice-cream.
Then came the walk. Unfortunately, the 1000 steps themselves were closed because of past storms but we got to do a trail which was around the area. When walking the trail, it was hot. Very hot. We were walking through jungle-like conditions. Surrounded by trees, wildlife, and the heat.
On the way back to school we took the same route we took to the 1000 steps. Train, then bus. Both trips weren’t too bad and didn’t take too long. Overall the day wasn’t too bad and was a nice way to start off the year with many more excursions still to come.
– Thomas, 9C.
Lastly in DiSCovery, teachers have been checking if all students have wired earphones and working laptops that can run the NAPLAN testing program. If there are any issues regarding working laptops, please make contact with your child’s DiSCovery teachers as soon as possible. The practice test will take place in March and the actual testing will take place in May.
Tony Leung
Excellence Teaching Learning Leader