College Open Night

It's that time of the year again - time to show our local community what a great place Doncaster Secondary College is for students to achieve their potential! We have been busy preparing for our annual Open Night event, which will occur on Wednesday, March 23rd.
Our Year 7 Transition Coordinator, Paul Annakis, visited our local primary schools this week and introduced DSC to the grade 5 & 6 students.
Our College Open Night is a great opportunity for prospective families of primary-aged children to hear from our Principal, Glenn Morris, and be guided on a tour of our school grounds by our student leaders. There are three sessions available to book: 5.15pm, 5.45pm & 6.15pm
Tickets can be booked here:
Spread the message far and wide about our College Open Night. If you have friends or know of groups that may be interested in booking a spot, please feel free to print and hand out a copy of our Open Night flyer below.
College Tours
With restrictions easing, we can re-commence our College Tour mornings. We invite prospective families to learn about Doncaster Secondary College by attending a Principal-led College Tour. Designed for parents of prospective Year 7 students, this is a great opportunity to see the school in action, learn about Year 7 programs, and explore the College grounds.
Tours will run twice-weekly in March (except the week of Open Night), with more dates to follow in April. Community members interested in attending can book tickets via Compass: