Community News

Doncaster Junior Football Club
The DJFC is based at Schramms Reserve and they are looking for new players to join their club! Through community sport, the DJFC aim to enhance leadership capabilities in their players as well as provide a positive peer network, particularly for new students who have recently moved to the area.
The DJFC are keen to build an Under 13 Girls team this year so please reach out to Rolly Frasca for more information.
Templestowe Junior Football Club
Doncaster Calisthenics Club
Shine on stage in the artistic sport! Doncaster Calisthenics Club is a non-profit sporting club and one of the longest-running calisthenics clubs in the Manningham area. Classes run from February through to October.
For more information, visit: Home - Doncaster Calisthenics Club
Eltham Rugby Union Football Club
A local not-for-profit community sporting club that is seeking new players for their 2022 season in Eltham – keen for both boys and girls of all ages.
Doncaster RSL will be holding a number of community events to commemorate Anzac Day on Monday 25th April (end of term 1 holidays). They are also seeking volunteers to help sell Anzac Badges.
Doncaster Trinity Church
Diamond Valley Singers
Come and join the Diamond Valley Singers Youth production for the 7-performance season of “Shrek Jr”. Further details are provided in the attachment below