Boarding News

From the Heads of Boarding

Another year in boarding has begun at GSG and we have new students who have loved getting to know Albany and our amazing boarding community. Throughout the first week in boarding, students have enjoyed exploring the stunning natural beauty of our school location, with walks to the Fish Traps, exploring the edge of Oyster Harbour and sporting activities outdoors. 

There have been visits with puppies, ice-creams and basketball at Eyre Park, sunset walks along Middleton Beach, picnics at Emu Point and exploration of hidden treasures on York Street. Our senior boys have begun restoring a boat beside Eclipse House and are brainstorming ideas and methods to complete the restoration. 

Whilst there have been changes to routines, due to COVID, our boarders are incredibly resilient and are working to create new and exciting ways of living life to the fullest in our residential community. 


Ms Vanessa Bromhead | Head of Senior Boarding