From the Chaplain

From the Chaplain 

Every time I think of a new school year the same bible verse always comes to mind.   


Behold, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:9 NIV 


In this verse God was talking to his people about taking them out of their captivity into freedom, out of the old into the new.  God was calling things that had not yet happened as if they had already happened. He was showing the people how to have faith and keep watch.  He was letting them know that with God, whatever you ask for has already been done. There may be a time of waiting, but it is done. 


God uses the word ‘behold’ here as see or observe something that is remarkable or impressive. This year we need faith that God is going to do something new and impressive for all of us.  That this year will be a year of prosperity, learning and increased faith.   

Every year is a new year for our students, with new teachers, friends and classes.  This can be a daunting thing, but this verse reminds us that: 

  • God is always working.  We may not feel like it, we may feel he is far away, but this verse reminds us that he is always working. God is making a way that we may not be able to see yet.  Let us pray to God to open our eyes to what he is doing in our life. 
  • We need faith.  Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  We need to have faith that God is working things out for our good and speak words of faith when we pray. 
  • We should not be held captives from our past.  Last year may have not been a great year for some of us but God has promised to make something new, something fresh…so that we can live for today. 

Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain