Library News

So, three re-writes later...


My trajectory has been re-routed.  Next year I'm shifting my orbit to Princes Hill Secondary College to work in the library there four days a week.  I'll still be at Lee St one day a week but I won't be reading to individual classes, which kinda breaks my heart BUT, I'm still tethered to the Mothership, I'm just taking a small pod to explore the high school universe in more depth.  Even the most content explorers need to seek out new worlds occasionally.


Believe me, it has taken weeks of soul searching, tears and a meltdown to come to this decision.  It was not taken lightly.  Lee St Library is my home.  I've spent years exploring and cultivating the atmosphere in the library.  The rewards have been enormous.


Sharing stories is the backbone, the heart and the brain of any culture.  sharing them with young people has engaged me in ways I couldn't have thought possible when I started 17 years ago.  Sure, being read to isn't every students idea of a good time but when it works, even the reluctant listeners come onboard and we've been  transported to a place we hadn't previously know existed.  And we did it together.


I have been privileged to have been allowed this time and space at Lee St.  It's been a hoot!


I'll see you all on Wednesdays in 2022.  You better come visit me!

