Driver Safety

School's KISS & DROP (or Pick Up) ZONE!

Driver Safety on Oakland Avenue - KISS & DROP ZONE


Drivers must not queue along Oakland Ave waiting to pick their child up from the ‘Kiss and Drop Zone’ please. The traffic must flow. This means that drivers must move along Oakland Ave and either;


1. Pull their vehicle into an empty space in the pick-up drop-off zone OR


2. Continue driving along Oakland Ave and complete a loop back onto Oakland Ave.

Do not que or stop on the crossing; it’s dangerous.


Please be mindful that in the pick-up and drop off area the driver must;

1. Not stop for more than 2 minutes

2. Stay within 3 metres of their vehicle


Drivers that queue run the risk of being fined. More important than a fine we urge drivers not to queue as it is creates a safety issue for our students and their families.