From the Principal's Desk

Dear parents and carers, 


Thank you for your continued efforts in supporting our school and students during the pandemic – especially prioritising safety and learning.


The Premier and Minister for Education have announced changes to school settings for the remainder of Term 1. These updated settings were developed in close consultation with NSW Health and key stakeholders to ensure we continue to keep our schools open for learning, while keeping up with changing community settings.


The updated settings include:


From Monday 28 February, we will move to symptomatic testing. Tests are to be used at your discretion such as if your child is symptomatic or there are cases in their class. Our school will provide each student and staff member with  7 RAT tests for the remainder of the term. Beyond that, students and staff can access PCR tests or buy their own rapid antigen tests as these are now readily available and accessible in the community.


Masks will continue to be required indoors for all school staff, volunteers and visitors including parents and carers until Friday 4 March. This means that from Monday 7 March, masks will no longer be mandatory for all staff. However, those who wish to continue to use them will be supported to do so.


Students will no longer be required to be kept in year groups or other cohorts therefore Scripture will commence on Thursday 3 March. 


In the morning, parents are  welcome to walk their child to their classroom if needed. However, please DO NOT park your car in the kiss & drop zone as drivers must remain 3m from their vehicle.  Masks must be worn until Friday 4 March. 


The school's afternoon pick-up procedures will remain the same until further notice. 

At 3pm all students will exit as follows:

  • Kindergarten students and their siblings will exit via the Main Gate (behind the canteen)
  • Kiss & Go students will be supervised by a teacher and exit via the Crossing Gate
  • Year 1 - Year 6 students will exit via the Crossing Gate
  • Students who ride their bike to school will exit via the Crossing Gate
  • Little Bus & Big Bus students will exit via the Bin Gates. 

Thank you to parents who are following the road rules in the afternoon and moving through the Kiss’n' Go quickly and using their indicators to let drivers know of their intentions. Your care and vigilance at pick-up time keeps everyone safe.


The rain isn't going away anytime soon therefore can I please encourage parents to send their children to school dressed appropriately including an umbrella. In addition, the school Wet Weather jacket is available for purchase via the P&C online uniform shop; it's great with lots of pockets, has a hoodie and is internally lined with fleece material for warmth!


SURF Assemblies are back and we're excited  to invite our families to join us. Every Friday from 9:05am to 9:25am the Student Leaders host the school's weekly SURF assembly. At the SURF assembly student achievements are recognised with awards and birthdays are celebrated. All students who have received a SURF award throughout the week go in the weekly draw to win a $5 canteen voucher. The assembly is also used to make special announcements and presentations.  This week we will be presenting the ribbons to all students who participated in the school's swimming carnival who achieves 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. 


This year we participated in the Illawarra Mercury's School Leaders 2022 special edition. Read the full article at: 

Meet the Illawarra's school leaders of 2022 | Illawarra Mercury


Random Act of Kindness

I strongly believe Community is our Culture and this week it was evident when we had a lovely surprise visit from Janine Cable who was an active previous member of the school's P&C committee. Janine held various positions from committee member, Treasurer to President from 1997 to 2006.  Janine's children Taylor and Mitchell were School Captains in 2003 and 2006 respectively. Janine is currently an independent consultant for The Body Shop at Home, a small business she set up in retirement to raise money and donate products to give back to community.  


This month, Janine put a call out to her customers to ask who wanted to do a 'random act of kindness' and donate a care pack to someone they felt needed a little TLC as a result of being in a profession where they were required to wear a face mask all day every day. 


Cheryl Forbes, retired teacher from Windang PS answered Janine's call and purchased 17 "care packs" one for each member of staff including; teachers, office staff, grounds personnel and cleaners. On behalf of my staff, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to Cheryl Forbes & Janine Cable for this kind and caring gesture. 


Janine donated her monthly commission to Gotcha4Life a suicide prevention charity. 


80th Anniversary

Windang PS turns 80 this year!  If you'd like to join the 80th Anniversary Working Party please send an email to the school at: along with your preferred day/time for a meeting. 


Thank you again for your continued support during this school term.


Stay Safe

Mrs Kocovska
