Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, 


Welcome to the start of the new school year. It was wonderful to see everyone's smiling faces as we returned to school.

The start of the school year has begun well. We welcome our new Prep students plus another 9 students across the school. Please help to ensure all of our new families feel welcome at our school.

We began the year by celebrating our Feast Day. The 1st of February is dedicated to our patron saint St Brigid of Ireland. This day involved attending Mass, learning about what St Brigid is the patron of including poetry, learning, healing, protection, blacksmithing, livestock and dairy production. We then celebrated the day with a special lunch of sushi. Thank you to Talia for organising the lunch.

Also, at a recent whole school Mass, our staff and our Year 5/6 student leaders made a formal pledge to our school. Our student leaders also received their badges for their captaincy roles this year. We congratulate our student leaders and hope they rise to the occasion and enjoy the challenge and the additional responsibility their role brings them. 


Our school leaders for 2022 are as follows:


School Captains: Nicki Spillane and Darren Tsai

Greenforce Captains: Allison Tsai, Aiden Thaw, Ava Davies, Will Anderson, Trevis Hendroff and Annabelle Kirby

Shorten House Captain: Celeste Yamouni

O'Shea House Captains: Mackenzie Elward and Harry Hayes

Pietzsch House Captains: Leo Williams and Jason Kakridas

Wishing you all a fabulous week. 


Kind regards


Mrs Robyn Thomson
