Tuesday 23 October

Last Day Year 12 Classes

Staff vs Student Footy Game


Wednesday 24 October

Year 12 Festivities Day


Wednesday 31 October

VCAA Exam Period  (31 to 12 Nov)


Friday 9 November

Last Day Year 11 Classes


Monday 12 November

Year 11 Exam Period (12 to 16)


Monday 19 November

Year 11 into 12 Orientation Week


Friday 23 November

Year 11 Awards Assembly


Tuesday 4 December

Year 12 Valedictory Dinner


Friday 21 December

End of Term 4

School Captains' Report

As the end of the year approaches for senior students, especially for the Year 12s, everyone is feeling a little nostalgic.


With the final days of school just around the corner, the stress of exams (and of course, trying to organise a perfect costume for Festivities Day) seems to be taking a backseat to the bittersweetness of our last classes together!


There's so much excitement for the last ever Year 12 breakfast, which will be held on Tuesday before school and of course, the last ever Student vs Teacher Football match, which hopefully will see the students, come away with a win like last term! 


Of course, all of Senior School is gearing up towards the end of their content and exams, whether for Year 11 or Year 12.


With most students in Year 12 having their first exam (English) on Wednesday 31 October, tensions are definitely high! However, we have all put in the  hard work all year long, and with just a tiny stretch to go, will be ready to receive our rewards, whether that's an ATAR, getting into a particular course, or just the knowledge that you worked hard and achieved your absolute best!!


As we head towards our future in the "Real World", a quick reminder to all of the 18 year olds, to register to vote in the upcoming elections at  so that we can make our impact!


Given that it is the final weeks of school for a lot of us who have been here for years, we'd like to collectively extend our gratitude towards the principal team, coordinators and of course, all of the teachers. Thank you for your constant effort and dedication towards us, sorting out issues, using your free time to help us with our work, organising events for us to ensure we can celebrate our end of school and of course most of all, making sure that we are all doing ok. Without all of your help, we are certain in saying, that none of us could be going into these next few weeks even half as prepared as we are now.


To all of the students, teachers and other staff that make Lilydale the place it is, the graduating class would like to say thank you so much for the wonderful experiences you have allowed us and will continue to allow the next year levels, as they move through the school.


Thank you to everyone who has supported the senior school in their endeavours this year and good luck to everyone moving forward!

James Laven and Ashleigh Pope

Year 12 ​Last Day

of Classes/Pancake Breakfast

The last day of Year 12 classes is Tuesday 22 October. Students will begin the day with a pancake breakfast before attending their scheduled classes.  Home Group and classes will run as normal on this day.  


Come and join us from 7.30 am to 8.30 am for some pancakes and fruit.  What a great way to start the day before the big FOOTY game at lunch!


Examination Timetable

All students completing a Unit 3 + 4 subject were given a copy of the VCAA examination navigator, which stipulates the timetable, rules and information about acceptable equipment.


Copies are also available online by clicking the link below:

Year 11 Examination Period

Year 11 students will be sitting examinations in the week of Monday 12 November. Regardless of whether students are continuing their studies next year or not, all students will be undertaking these exams. Students who do not complete an exam may not achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ outcome in that subject.

Year 12 Valedictory Dinner


“The Peninsula”

Shed 14, Central Pier, 161 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands 

7.00 pm until 12.00 am

 Dress: Formal or Lounge

 Meal and Presentations


Cost $100.00 per person

$50.00 per child (up to 12 years) 


The Valedictory Dinner is a wonderful opportunity for students to celebrate the conclusion of their school years and enjoy a relaxing night with their family and teachers. 


We encourage students to invite family and friends to attend the dinner and share in the celebrations of “Six Years Together”.


The first round of ticket sales has now closed. More information will be posted shortly on Compass about the second round of ticket sales.


If you require any further detail, please do not hesitate to ring the Senior School Coordinators on 9735 5644.

2019 Year 12 Study Retreat

Wednesday 30 January - Friday 1 February

Deakin University 


Students will experience full campus life, attending lectures, staying in dormitory rooms/housing and using the university’s impressive facilities.


There will also be various workshops and guest speakers, including the Resilience Project and Chief English Exam Assessor and Author, Ross Huggard.


Payment for the first instalment to secure your child’s place has now closed. The balance of $120 is due before Friday 9 November.


All students are expected to attend this valuable camp to give them the best opportunity for success in Year 12.

Study Planners

In the lead up to the busy examination period, VCE students should head to the Senior School Office to get a study planner.  The planners are incredibly useful for organising time and maximising study effectiveness, especially if you have many exams in a short period of time. Get planning!


A reminder that if your child misses a School Assessed Coursework (SAC) they must get a medical certificate to enable them to sit the SAC in the next available IPT time slot.


Students will not be granted SAC redemption unless they have a medical certificate or it is a school-approved absence. If there are extenuating circumstances please let us know and we will make a decision based on the VCAA guidelines.


Rescheduled SACs will be run in classrooms this term as the hall is being used for VCAA examinations. Students will need to check with the VCE Coordinators prior to IPT on the day of their SAC to confirm which classroom it will be in.


All other class SACs will be run during class time this term due to the School Hall being used for the VCAA examinations.


It is a requirement at Lilydale High School that students attend all timetabled classes so that teaching and learning opportunities can be maximised. If students have reached their limit for absences from class there is an opportunity for this time to be redeemed.


Students can speak to their Year Level Coordinator to discuss making this time up at lunchtime, during afternoon study periods, or after school.


Furthermore, it is a requirement that students attend Home Group, even if they have study periods, Periods 1 and 2.

Absences on COMPASS

Any absences from school must be parent/guardian approved.  You can do this through a signed note or you can approve your child’s absences via the Parent Approval Button on Compass. 


You can also use Compass to view your student’s past absences. 

Year 11 students NOT returning to LHS in 2019

Please NOTIFY the Senior School Coordinators Office as soon as possible if your son/daughter is NOT RETURNING to Lilydale High School in 2019 to complete Year 12.

Until the age of 17, students must be in some form of full time training or employment and have satisfactorily completed Year 10.


Training options can include; VCE, VCAL, full time TAFE and Apprenticeships. 


Any students wishing to leave school before these requirements are met, must put in a request for exemption to the Regional Director in consultation with Lilydale High School.


If you son/daughter is not returning in 2019, an Exit Form (available from the General Office) will be required to be completed and returned to the General Office by Friday 14 December.


VCE Coordinators