Library News

From The Library
Over the last few weeks, our craft activities have focused on some of the Children’s Book Council of Australia short listed books.
Our first book was ‘All I want for Christmas is rain’ by Cori Brooke. For this we made Rain Makers which mimic the sound of rain. Catherine Dunn brought in her authentic rainmaker for the students to use and to listen to.
Next we ran a colouring competition for which the students each had a letter to colour in from the theme for Bookweek “Escape to Everywhere… Bookweek 2017”. These then formed part of our display. We had some beautiful and imaginative entries. Our two winners were: Jessica Ryan and Calvin Nguyen.
Each received a drawing book as their prize.
Our third book was ‘Gary’ by Leila Rudge. This story is about a racing pigeon who was unable to fly but dreamt of adventure.
Next week we will be making wrapped animals based on the book ‘Go home cheeky animals!’ by Johanna Bell
Mrs Famularo, Mrs Sal and Mrs Wood