Primary News

Grade 5 and 6 go for a tour of our Year 7 centre
In readiness for 2018 & 2019, our current grade 5 and 6 students had a tour of the year 7 centre. Experiencing all that the facility and college offers, students were motivated and excited about their education and futures at Carwatha College P-12. Enrolments are open for all classes across the college.
Primary Gala Soccer Day
Grades 5 and 6 students participated in Gala day, a round robin competition in conjunction with other schools in Greater Dandenong region.
The soccer event had students engaged in pop up bubble soccer activites giving them a opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a fun way.
Danii Levy
Primary Art
Grade 5B Emoji Drawing
Students learnt how artists can use different colours to represent feelings or emotions. Red for anger, danger or love. Orange can represent energy, warmth or excitement etc.
They also experimented with creating different lines to express their chosen emotion; swirls for confusions, zig zag for anger etc.
After selecting an emoji (a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication) they thought carefully about the colour and line choice for their background.
Can you guess which emoji they created?
Grade 1/2Z Radial Symmetry
Students viewed artwork that was radially symmetrical. We went on a scavenger hunt around the school to collect natural items such as leaves, seeds, sticks and rocks.
Our fingers then got very busy creating a collaborative radially symmetrical piece of artwork for our upcoming Art Show.
The Art Show will be held on Monday October 30th. Every primary student will have at least one piece of artwork in the display. There will also be an outstanding selection of high school work to be enjoyed.
Primary District Athletics
Sixty students from Carwatha grades 5 and 6 competed in district athletics this week. Students returned some amazing results: Jaydine, 2nd in long jump; Brayden, 3rd in long jump; Declan, 2nd in high jump; Angie 2nd in the 200m and Ahmed 2nd in 200m. Well done to all students!
Swimming Safety
During the Primary swimming program, students were involved in a swimming safety session. Students were taught all aspects of being safe whilst around water.
Grades 4, 5 & 6 Science Incursion
Monash University Bio Medicine students visited Carwatha College P-12 and ran a Science program for grades 4, 5 & 6. During the session, students gained an understanding of the cardiovascular system.
Book Fair
The Primary Book Fair was held in August and once again it was a great success! Thank you to our school community for getting involved and I hope you are all excited about your new books. Your support means that we have earned quite a few books for our school, so keep your eyes out for new books in your classroom libraries.
Book Character Dress Up Day
Primary students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character on Friday 15th September and participate in some special book-related activities on this day. There will be an assembly on the day to showcase everyone’s costumes. Due to the late start, this assembly will start at 10:15am in the theatre. We look forward to seeing everyone’s costumes!