P-12 News

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The Student Enrolment Information Form for each student will be sent out shortly and needs to be checked for accuracy. If changes need to be made, this can be done through the parent portal on compass or by contacting the office.
Multicultural Day 2017
We celebrated the Multicultural Day on Tuesday, 5th September.
We take pride in saying that this SRC initiative has become a tradition at our school. The students, staff and parents came together and enjoyed cultural performances, traditional dress and food on the day. We were able to express our pride in the acceptance and celebration of different cultures at our school. Emilia Alvarez Chaves and Noryelle Timoteo, SRC Presidents, reflected on the ethnically and racially diverse student population at our school, the subtle yet significant benefits of multiculturalism and also the consistent accepting and welcoming attitude from our school community, which made them feel valued, thus enriching their sense of belonging. These experiences resonated with our school community, as was visible in the applause they received.
We all came together as Australians with rich and unique backgrounds. Students felt confident and comfortable in sharing their cultural backgrounds with the school community; showcasing the mutual feelings of respect that are integral to our school. We had performances from Indigenous, Argentinian, Filipino, Indian, Australian, Vietnamese, Cook Islander, Samoan, Greek, Jamaican, American, Malaysian, Chinese and Polish backgrounds. Aleks Bajagic and Jemima Simms recited a poem in English and Auslan, which was very special. We also had a guest speaker, Diana Nguyen, who is an actor, comedian and singer and works with young people in the City of Greater Dandenong. Diana’s performance was hilarious, yet insightful about the experiences encountered by migrants and their children in their new environment. She had the audience in stitches as students could relate their own experiences to her act, and could reflect on feelings of confusion, cultural constriction as well as liberation.
In addition to the special assembly, we had organised multicultural food stalls at lunchtime. Students had the opportunity to buy food such as Margherita pizzas, Napoli pasta, nachos, cevapi rolls, churros with caramel or chocolate sauce, Greek chicken souvlakis and vegetarian samosas. We had also invited some henna artists who created temporary henna tattoos on students’ hands. Students and staff dressed up in their cultural clothes and it was great to see many parents attend our special assembly. This day provided the school community the opportunity to help promote inclusion at a very special forum.
It has been amazing to be a part of something so rewarding. This has truly been a remarkable experience that we will never forget.