Curriculum News


Our year 5 inquiry, "How do people and environments influence one another? has a focus on factors that shape the human and environmental characteristics of river systems.


Our Year 6 Geography inquiry “How Are We Connected?” has a focus on the diversity of peoples, cultures, countries and lands across the world. 


Our Year 7 Inquiry "What's the Value of Water?" looks into water as a renewable resource, its value as perceived by people around the world and the way it connects people and places.


Our recent camp at Hindmarsh Island helped students begin making connections with the concepts of each inquiry.


In addition to developing geographical knowledge about places in the world and the connections between people and places, students will be working on specific skills including mapping, locating places and representing and interpreting data in various forms. 


In Science this term, our focus will be around Earth & Space Sciences.  

Students will be exploring the key features of our solar system, in particular how the relative positions of the Earth, sun and moon affect phenomena on Earth. They will also be learning about how natural events cause rapid change to the Earth’s surface, with a specific focus on Earthquakes. 

We look forward to a very exciting term in Science!                           Michelle Harous


In our German lessons this term, we are continuing to work with language in the context of the topic Sport und Hobbys. Students are building on their vocabulary to be able to express likes and dislikes, converse about their friends as well as read and create texts such as diary entries to determine when an activity takes place.  We are enjoying our trial of the online language website LANGUAGENUT as a way of practising reading, writing, listening and speaking.  It is great to see students are accessing it out of German lessons too.  I would appreciate any feedback about this program to help determine if and how we subscribe.



Libby Edwards (LA 22 Mon-Wed)

Languages - Greek First Language and Maintenance Program

This term the students will interact in class activities to demonstrate and share their understanding of verbs and verb groups.


They will develop the ability to conjugate verbs and understand how grammatical structures and rules influence textual organisation e.g.  Τα παιδιά τρέχουν στον παππού. Η γιαγιά μαγειρεύει νόστιμα φαγητά.


They will recognise the agreement between nouns, verbs and adjectives in order to construct sentences. Furthermore, they will use simple conjunctions such as και, αλλά to create compound or complex sentences e.g.   Παίζω ποδόσφαιρο και τένις αλλά εσύ παίζεις μπάσκετ.


The students will engage in shared tasks to create a digital text to share with peers using the Book Creator application on the Ipads.


The students will also listen to stories and fables and respond to questions about characters, themes and events.

Physical Education

Mr Georgaris will again take Fisher 10, 11 and 13 for one PE lesson a week.  The main focus for this term will be learning through movement. Skills will be developed through the following games: Golden Ball (throwing, catching, dodging, and teamwork), Football (kicking, marking, handball skills), AFL 9’s (modified football games) and Skipping (individual, partner and group skipping challenges).


Reminder - Students are required to wear suitable clothing and footwear to all PE lessons to ensure their full participation.


Year 6 students will refine and expand their range of movement skills and perform them with increasing accuracy and control in more complex situations. They practise, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies into a range of familiar and new modified game situations. Students further develop their critical and creative thinking capabilities through participation.


Year 7 students will participate in a range of games and sports in order to develop a deeper understanding of movement patterns and game-play concepts. They demonstrate how tactics can be transferred to other movement contexts and are able to devise, perform and assess them. They explore the factors that influence the quality of movement performances and practise techniques that can be used to enhance their own and others‘ performances. Students will learn and perform the variety of roles associated with participation in physical activities.


By the end of term 2 they will perform specialised movement skills. They will also apply the elements of movement when composing and creating movement sequences during modified games.


Focus sports this term: European Handball and Soft Cross

The Arts and Technology

During Term 1 Fisher students participated in Friday Arts and Technology Time (or F.A.T.T.) with their class teacher. Students have already accessed either a unit of Drama, Music, Visual Arts, Dance or Media. Classes this term will rotate , working with a different Fisher teacher on a component of Arts and Technology..The classes will be involved in the following : F10-Drama, F11-Dance , F13- Music, F14- Media and Digital Technology, F15-Visual Arts