From the Chair

2019 has seen numerous past pupils revisit Kilbreda as part of the many decade reunions that the Past Pupils’ Network Committee have hosted. Kilbreda women belonging to the Classes of 2018, 2009, 1999, 1989, 1979, 1969 and 1962 have gathered at Kilbreda to continue their association with the College, renew the connection and friendships, tour the buildings new and old and, of course, climb The Tower. There have been wonderful stories shared and memories rekindled.
This year on Thursday 8 August, Kilbreda Foundation Day, the College community celebrated 115 Years of Brigidine education. At the College Mass, tribute was paid to the Brigidine Sisters, many of whom were present, for their leadership, guidance and education of the many young people who have been educated at Kilbreda over those 115 years.
During the Mass Denise Dunne, past pupil and current staff member, spoke of her experience of being a Kilbreda girl and what it meant and means to her. The following is an extract from her address: “What makes a Kilbreda girl, a Kilbreda girl for life? What is it that has brought so many of us back to endeavour to offer some of what we received during our time as students here to you and to future generations of young women?
For me, as a staff member, I see the workings of the Kilbreda family in a whole new light. I see the dedication of people who want the best for every single young woman here. I see a passion for instilling hope, a love of learning and a desire to reach out to the most vulnerable in our society. I see a school where you are encouraged to seek your own path safe within the knowledge that you are capable of travelling that path and that you are never alone."
The following evening, the Kilbreda Past Pupils' Network held its major function for 2019, the Past Pupils of Distinction Dinner, which celebrated Kilbreda women making a difference. This event followed on from the successful inaugural Past Pupils of Distinction program launched in 2017. The committee acknowledges the support and assistance of the Principal, Ms Nicole Mangelsdorf, and the staff of many departments which enables Kilbreda Past Pupils to take an active role in the life of the College.
An important part of the role of the Past Pupils’ Network Committee is to assist you to connect/reconnect with former students from your time at Kilbreda and with the Kilbreda community. We are able to assist you with planning and organising reunions. The committee is able to provide contacts for your year group and advertise your event. If you would like to include Kilbreda in your celebration you can commence your visit with drinks and nibbles, tour areas of the school and enjoy a trip up The Tower.
Tower Talk is produced biannually and is an important means of communication, along with the Kilbreda Past Pupils Facebook Page. We welcome articles and notices from Past Pupils for inclusion in Tower Talk. To ensure you receive further communication from the committee please leave your contact details, including change of email address at:
We welcome past pupils to join the Committee which meets regularly to join us: Denise Leonard (Chair), Carolyn Callaghan, Pam Mornane, Maree Clark, Ashleigh Patogiannis, Suzanne Grima Damian Smith (Archives), Kylie Montesanti and Peta Wragg.
Denise Leonard (née Morrissey)
Kilbreda Past Pupils’ Network Committee