Class of 1969

50 Year Reunion
On Saturday 31 August 2019, 21 members of the Class of 1969 gathered at Kilbreda to celebrate 50 years since graduation. For many it was their first visit since they left all those years ago. Paula Sier travelled from Perth and Fiona Ridsdale from Adelaide for the day.
It was very exciting to meet up again and to recognise each other. Hours of talking, reminiscing, laughter and tales made the afternoon fly by. Damian Smith took us on a tour of the College and we ascended The Tower for the spectacular view. We were fascinated to enter the old boarders area which had been strictly off limits in our day. Three former Boarders, Fiona Ridsdale, Di Fitzgerald and Carmel Rennie gave us an insight into the life of the boarding school. Reba Woodwiss csb, formerly Sr Goretti, joined us for the afternoon, which was a special treat.
14 of us then adjourned to 'The Corner Store' for dinner and much more talking. Everyone had such a wonderful time that we plan to meet once a year for lunch and to spread the word to others.
I would like to thank the Past Pupils Network Committee for their help, especially Denise Leonard, Damian Smith and Maree Clark for looking after us on the day and for their insights into the history of the school.
Trish Stabb (née Chapman)
Class of 1969