Class of 1979

40 Year Reunion
We had a lovely time on 5 October for our 40 Year Reunion and it all began with your wonderful tour! Thank you so much! We had one person travel from Queensland and another from Newcastle. We had about 38 attend over the afternoon and watched the sunset from the balcony of Mordy HQ, with the conversations extending well into the night – I think the last ones left about midnight!!!
Some girls had waited 40 years to tour the Tower and everyone agreed it was worth the wait. The following comments about the tour of the College were left by a number of girls over the afternoon.
It was lovely of the ladies to give up their Saturday Morning and take a very chatty group through the beautiful grounds, classrooms and finally up the Tower - a first for me after 40 years! It was also wonderful to see, judging by the classrooms and displays, that the College seemed to give all areas of the curriculum equal weight and importance. The Arts and Science blocks were impressive and it was great to note an environmental awareness in some of the displays around the College. Thank you for the tour. I'm proud to say I was a 'Kilbreda Girl'.
Jayne Campbell (née Ammitzboll)
It was wonderful to visit Kilbreda on the anniversary of 40 years since completing VCE. This place was a second home for me and at times a refuge from the harder moments of life. It was exciting to see the new developments such as the Auditorium and the Atrium and to see how all the buildings are connected. Highlight was seeing my friend’s face (Jane Steinfort) when she finally climbed the Tower after 40 years. Thank you to the staff who worked a Saturday to allow this to occur.
Tess Brooks (née Glenister)
Amazing facilities and enormous changes since the 1970s! Girls obviously have so many opportunities and pathways available to them. An encouraging environment – a place to be proud of….. but I miss the bottle green!!
Nicole Ross
It was so wonderful to go back in time. Remembering teachers and the things we did. It’s lovely to see the College has so many opportunities now for the girls. The Library looks fantastic and WOW the “Arts” area. It was fascinating to see areas that we were never allowed in and to see how they are used now. The Tower (1st time there) was such an amazing experience and the view was great.
Thank you to Denise and Ashleigh for their time to show us “Kilbreda” now.
Patrice Montague (née Mills)
Many changes but still enough to recognise! Certainly changed with the times. Great facilities. Thanks for the weekend time to show us around.
Michelle Honan
Beautiful to see all the art work lining the walls of every corridor. Beautiful, nurturing, life affirming environment. So proud to see the College embracing/protecting the old and the new buildings and proving that both can stand out and work alongside each other. A perfect example of honouring the past and celebrating the future!
Catherine Sullivan