Class of 1999

20 Year Reunion
Our 20 Year Reunion took place on 12 October. Walking into the College was like coming home. With so many fond memories, it didn’t take long for the chatter and laughter to fill the Meeting Room. The class of 1999 was busy catching up with all that had happened over the years since we had last been together.
As we toured through the College, we were blown away by how much it had changed; the Kildare Centre and the Auditorium are absolutely amazing! Yet, even though so much had changed, it still felt like we belonged. A tour of the Tower was once again a favourite. The Year 12 Classrooms had many of us reminiscing about our teachers and how much patience they had to get us through.
After our tour of Kilbreda, the gossip and laughter continued with drinks and dinner at Lydford and Co. on Nepean Highway.
Thank you so much Mrs Leonard and Mr Smith for making our reunion so enjoyable and we look forward to doing it again in a few years’ time.
Emma Collins (née Hatton)
Class of 1999