Foundation News


Our online portfolio went out to parents and families this week.  You will have received a letter outlining how you can check your child's online learning.  You will receive notifications when your child has something new in their portfolio.  We look forward to logging on and checking our your likes and comments.  Please come and see me if you need clarification on this. 

School Photos are booked

MONDAY 1st APRIL!!!! Please ensure your child is here on this day and on time.  Thank you :) 


Next Thursday we are off to Melbourne Zoo.  Please take note of what students need to bring:

-  A HEALTHY packed lunch.

-  A NAMED WATER bottle.

- Asthma puffers for students with an asthma plan.

- Comfortable shoes to walk around in such as runners. 

- Sunscreen for themselves (we don't provide sunscreen for students due to allergies).

- Rain permitting - a raincoat.


A notice will go home on Tuesday.  

The following week we have an INCURSION.  On Tuesday the 19th march students will see performers come in to educate students about  Harmony Day.  

Student Goals

Students have been working on reading and writing goals.  Some students are ready to move on to new goals and these are outlined on Sentral.  This is something that you can be working on with your child at home.  Please make use of the home learning packs we've provided you with.  There is an expectation that students establish a home routine that includes reading everyday and a focus on words eg: reading Magic Words, reading the letters of  alphabet (not singing the song) and reading the phonemes that are being taught (see your phonics flip book).

This week students have had focused instruction on the following:

- Schema - discussing what we know and what we think we know about topics when reading. We've been working very hard on learning our Golden Words and reading them with confidence. 

- Writing recounts - students have explored recording ideas about something they have already done eg: on the weekend.  Students will be writing a recount following our trip to the zoo.

- measurement - we've made comparisons to decide which is longer, heavier or holds more and explain our reasons for this.

PBS - students have developed their understanding of collaboration and working together. We've practised our social skills in working together, cooperative play and in small group work for activities. 


Check us out!

News (show & tell)

News will begin in Term 2 and will be on a Wednesday.  A notice will go home in the first week of Term 2 outlining the expectations, learning intentions and success criteria. 

Important Dates / Admin

THURSDAY 14th March - Melbourne Zoo

FRIDAY 15th March - National Day against Bullying

TUESDAY 19th March - Harmony Incursion

THURSDAY 28th March - Pupil Free Day

MONDAY 1st April - School Photos

FRIDAY 5th April - Last Day of Term 1. 

2.30pm dismissal


Nurses reports have been sent home this week.  

Happy LONG weekend

Enjoy the 3 day break and see you Tuesday!  Maths Assessments continue with individual students each Wednesday until the end of Term 1.