Junior School

Head of Junior School


Acting Head of Junior School



We would just like to remind all our families that children from Prep to Year 2 require all orders from the canteen to be completed by a parent at the beginning of the school day, with any items that are for Recess to be collected from the canteen. 


Children in these Years 3 to 5 are the only students that are able to make cash purchases directly from the Canteen. This is to support the ongoing monitoring of food choices available from the Canteen for students in our younger grades. Thank you for your support of this process.


Life Education

We are pleased that all our students will be taking part in the Life Education program again this year. These programs have been carefully designed to provide children with the opportunity to explore important concepts relating to being healthy, staying safe, being active, friendships and cyber safety. Healthy Harold is at the centre of these programs, and the classes can’t wait to be able to visit the Life Education van over the next week.


Social Justice

It is so wonderful to acknowledge Oakleigh Grammar’s commitment to Social Justice and fundraising for those less fortunate than us. We have some exciting events coming up at the end of our term. 


Red Nose Day is begin organised by Ms Spanos and our Social Justice Leaders next week, and we can’t wait to see the photos from this day. It is such a great cause that all our students can understand and see how they can do their bit to help. Market Day and Crazy Hair Day are also coming up.


Acknowledging Success

We congratulate all those students who were a part of the English ICAS testing for Spelling and Science this term. Well done also to the many students who have received a ‘Leader in Me’ award at our assemblies.


We have also seen some wonderful talent being displayed at our assemblies so far this year. If you have a talent that you would like to share with us, please contact a Year 5 teacher. We would also like to acknowledge the wonderful way that George in 4EA has taken action as part of his inquiry learning, with the amazing board game he created demonstrating his knowledge about the concepts his class have been exploring. More information about this great game can be found here.


Parent Helpers

A very big thank you to all the fabulous parents that have helped in our classroom programs throughout the semester. It is wonderful to have such a supportive community assisting our students. Our classrooms are all the better because of the support we have from our mums and dads. If you have had a change that allows you to help us for the second half of the year, please let your class teacher know, as we are always happy to add to the people who are already helping us out.


Assessments and Reports

What a busy couple of weeks we have had. Classes have been working through assessment tasks to determine their levels for the reports that will be coming out at the end of term. Teachers are drafting reports for your children and it is paramount that you read these with interest, in order to support the work being done at school and at home. Student progress and future goals are built around this assessment for Term 3. 


Busking Day

The Term 2 fundraising event will be the Busking and Market Day on June 26. ‘Busking and stall permits’ are able to be applied for by Year 3, 4 and 5 students, and these need to be submitted to me by early next week. It is important that all students start organising their market stall if they have gained permission from their parents and have a permit approved. 


We are looking forward to a variety of acts and stalls that will entertain us during Recess. All students can bring in money to purchase from the stalls before Recess, with all money raised being donated to PK4A, our School Dance organized by the Parent Association to celebrate the end of term is also on this day.



The Preps have been synergising to create kites as part of our inquiry unit on the weather around us. They investigated the effect of wind on these light objects, and where the best place to fly their kites around the school would be. We looked at the differences between standing still, walking and running with the kites. A fantastic time was had by everyone!

Junior School Happenings

We have been super busy with excursions and other exciting happenings from around our Junior School over the last few weeks. Read more here:


Year 4 Polly Woodside Excursion

Year 3 City Excursion

Year 2 FBI Incursion

Year 5 Numeracy

ELC Special Friends

ELC Woodworkers Incursion