I am in the right place at the right time

Targeted workshops in Year 1/2

At LNPS we are committed to ensuring that we amplify growth by applying common, research-based practices, key concepts and language so that we have continuity.  This is evident across the Year 1/2 classes as students take part in various workshops to meet their individual learning needs.  To ensure each child is 'in the right place at the right time', teachers firstly carry out a number of assessment tasks and observations and  then collaborate together to deliver quality programs designed for growth. 

Word study workshops

During 2018, Word Study workshops will be held on Monday to Wednesday from 9:20 am- 9:50 am.  Word study workshops involve an inquiry into sounds, words and meanings which incorporates  applying critical thinking skills.  Word study teaches students how to look at and analyse words so that they can construct an ever deepening understanding of how spelling works to represent sound and meaning, compared to simply learning a word list.  Ask your child to share with you the spelling pattern they are inquiring into and give him/her the opportunity to demonstrate this learning when reading aloud and/or writing.  Celebrate successes and growth together. 

Writers' Workshops

We believe that each child is a competent learner and is capable of growing as a writer.  Book making continues to be a strong feature of the Year 1/2 English programme and this year we are introducing Writers' Workshops across the 5 classes. The focus is on honouring approximations and nudging development when composing texts.  Mentor texts are used as an example of good writing for writers.  By looking at examples of good writing, especially when that writing is published work by professional writers, students learn to aspire to create effective pieces of their own.  Writers' Workshops will begin soon on Thursday (9:20 am-9:50 am) and Friday (10:10 am - 10:40 am.)

International expert Matt Glover will be returning to Adelaide this year and staff will have the opportunity to enrich their learning by attending this valuable professional development and applying his/her understanding within the workshops.  As Matt says ..."Young children are capable of incredible thinking, which can be seen in their writing when they see themselves as writers and when adults honour children's approximations of writing." 

Embrace the authors of Year 1/2 and celebrate our success. 


My Maths workshop

My Maths workshops (previously, fondly known as Secret Code Club) will take place on Mondays and Wednesday from 11:10 am- 11:30 am.  During this time students will engage in a problematised Maths situation using the STAR model, which will provide formative assessment for students and teachers to identify goals for Maths learning and support the development of efficient strategies for successful problem solving.