I am respectful

I helped make the 6 Learner Agreements with the class.

Learner Agreements                          #learneragreements

We shared our ideas and what each Learner Agreement means, then we put our ideas down to remind us what we agreed to.

The 6 Learner Agreements that help us to be respectful are: Movement, Treatment, Communication, Problem Solving, Safety and Learning.

We all helped to make our Learner Agreements.
I gave some ideas to our learner agreements.
Everyone made themselves to put on our learner agreements.
We all helped to make our Learner Agreements.
I gave some ideas to our learner agreements.
Everyone made themselves to put on our learner agreements.


Bucket filling.                     #careandconcern 

I show my respect for other people by filling their buckets.  I help them and say kind things so they can be happy at school.


This is where I get my bucket filler from.
Everyone has made a fantastic bucket to put our treasures in.
I get happy when I fill someone else's bucket.
I noticed my friend has been using lovely manners today. I'm going to let her know I appreciate that.
I'm so happy to fill my bucket.
You've been using really nice manners today. Thank you.
This is where I get my bucket filler from.
Everyone has made a fantastic bucket to put our treasures in.
I get happy when I fill someone else's bucket.
I noticed my friend has been using lovely manners today. I'm going to let her know I appreciate that.
I'm so happy to fill my bucket.
You've been using really nice manners today. Thank you.




5 Keys to success.  I know the 5 Keys to Success.  They are confidence,

resilience, getting along, persistence and organisation.  They help me to be the best learner I can be.

#wegetalong                 #careandconcern

I share equipment so that I can get along with my friends.
We are sharing our ideas. We talk a lot to find out what others' are learning.
We took turns so that it was fair.
I am persisting with this activity so it will look good when it is finished. I'm feeling happy and proud
Look at our fantastic construction. We worked as a team to make it good.
We all did lots of experimenting and sharing ideas to try new things.
These are the Keys to success we use.
I share equipment so that I can get along with my friends.
We are sharing our ideas. We talk a lot to find out what others' are learning.
We took turns so that it was fair.
I am persisting with this activity so it will look good when it is finished. I'm feeling happy and proud
Look at our fantastic construction. We worked as a team to make it good.
We all did lots of experimenting and sharing ideas to try new things.
These are the Keys to success we use.


Circle time.  It's important for us to talk about problems or when things go wrong so that we know what to do when they happen.  Everyone can have a say and share their thoughts and feelings in the safety of friends.


Restorative Practice and the 3 step fix it.

When I have difficulties in the class or in the yard I know I can work it out. Sometimes teachers help us, but we can solve our own issues with a 3 step fix it discussion by ourselves.

This is what the 3 step fix it is.
I'm working out an issue with the 3 step fix it.
This is what the 3 step fix it is.
I'm working out an issue with the 3 step fix it.
