Community Notices

ThinkUKnow Presentation- Wednesday 8th August, 7pm – Largs Bay School Hall
Largs Bay School will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation on Wednesday 8th August at 7pm in the hall and all parents, carers and teachers are encouraged to attend.
ThinkUKnow Australia is a cyber safety education program that educates parents, carers and teachers of how people are using technology, the challenges they may face online, and how to help them overcome these in a safe and ethical way.
ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank. The program is delivered in collaboration with policing partners New South Wales Police Force, Northern Territory Police, Queensland Police, South Australia Police, Tasmania Police, Western Australia Police, as well as Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.
The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation covers issues relating to children and young peoples’ privacy and security online, their relationships with other users and their online reputation. It provides insight into the devices young people are using, as well as the popular websites, apps and social networking sites they’re accessing.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.
For more information, you can visit or contact (Bob Bowden or Alice Foley).
See flier
Fulham United are proud to offer the opportunity for girls of any age and experience to come out and try the ‘World Game’.
When: Monday July 9th
Where: Fulham United FC – Collins Reserve,
Valetta Road, Fulham Gardens
Time: 10am to 11am
To Register: Please email Junior Girls Technical Director Leigh Matthews on with the following details: - Name - Age - Contact details - Any medical concerns
Next Step Program
Largs Bay Parkrun - Weekly Free 5km Timed Run
Parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. They are open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in. Largs Bay parkrun has started in the last few months and quite a few of our families are getting involved. Students from year 2 – 6 have appeared on the finisher’s lists as well as their families. This is a great local activity to get involved in.
What is Largs Bay parkrun?
It is a 5km run - it's you against the clock.
When is it?
Every Saturday at 8:00am.
Where is it?
The event takes place at Largs Jetty foreshore, Largs Bay.
What does it cost to join in?
Nothing - it's free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don't forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won't get a time.
How fast do I have to be?
We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace! Walkers are welcome. We're friendly!
Every week we grab a post parkrun coffee in a local café - please come and join us!
To register or get more information head to