Student News

Reconciliation Week 2018
During week 5, our whole school talked about, recognised and celebrated Reconciliation Week. We discussed what reconciliation and our combined history means to us and what we can all do to make an Australia where we all live positively together.
A local Aboriginal Elder, Auntie Irene, visited our school and worked with our whole school. The Junior Primary classes were told the Ngarrindjeri Dreaming story of Thukeri and how Aboriginal people have sustained their traditional ways of living for over 50,000 years. They also got to make their own Thukeri – bony bream fish. The older classes researched timelines of our shared Aboriginal and Australian history to find out an important event or a significant moment in time. They then wrote their facts or significant moment in time that are displayed around the school.
Water Safety Education
What a fabulous week of swimming in Week 6. With over 300 students attending lessons and 45 bus trips, the students had a successful week of lessons. Thanks to everyone who supported this valuable programme.